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Отображение 289–304 из 8532
#30 – Full Entitlement Medal Group of Three for Service in Both the Boer War and Great War, Rifle Brigade & Ox and Bucks Light Infantry (Лот: 5933)
Full Entitlement Medal Group of Three for Service in Both the Boer War and Great War, Rifle Brigade & Ox and Bucks Light Infantry, Queens South Africa medal, ghost dates on reverse with clasps Transvaal and Laing’s Nek, engraved naming, ‘5718 PTE H PIESLEY RIFLE BDE’, Kings South Africa medal with 2 clasps, South Africa 1901 and South Africa 1902, impressed naming, ‘5718 PTE. H. PIESLEY RIFLE BRIGADE’, British War medal, ‘20467 PTE. H. PIESLEY OXF. & BUCKS L.I.’ Medals and clasps confirmed on the relevant rolls and British War medal is confirmed as his full entitlement for the Great War. Change of service number is confirmed on his service records. Henry Piesley, an 18 year old groom from Hammersmith, London, attested for service in the Rifle Brigade on 2nd April 1898. He was discharged to class B reserve on 1st April 1910 on termination of his period of engagement. During the Great War he served with the 1st Garrison Battalion Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry in India from October 1916 to November 1919 and was discharged to Class Reserve the following month.
#30 – Rare Unit Marked 1st Pattern SA (Sturmabteilung) Marine Dagger by Malsch & Ambronn, Steinbach (Лот: 7219)
Rare Unit Marked 1st Pattern SA (Sturmabteilung) Marine Dagger by Malsch & Ambronn, Steinbach, being a good example with much of the original blackened finish to the grip, original eagle and enamel SA device. The lower cross guard and the top scabbard mount are stamped ‘Mar. Br. 4 E. SCHULZ 9099’. Blackened anodised scabbard which has an original three piece leather hanger. Good condition double edged blade with the motto ‘Alles fur Deutschland’ which retains much of the original blackened finish. Makers trademark to the reverse of the blade. Some light pitting but generally a good condition blade. The blade measures 22cms, overall 37cms. Overall this is a very good example of a rare and desirable 1st pattern marine SA dagger, the later patterns having the gilded fittings. See page 294 of ‘The Service Daggers of the SA and NSKK’ by Siegert, for more information about the SA Marine daggers.
#30 – US CIVIL WAR RELIC LOT (Лот: 7383)
US CIVIL WAR RELIC LOT, 10 ITEMS, a pr. of spurs dug at Chickamauga, remnants of a arrow back buckle, 3 shot minnie balls, 2 minnie balls embedded in tree wood ( 1 is a 577. CS example from Bentonville), a plain iron ring & a carved bone ring w/ ‘U.S. / E.S. / 1863’ (a nice ring!), & a 20 dollar confederate bill,
#30 – Queens South Africa Medal to the Royal Army Medical Corps, Killed in Action in 1917 During the Great War (Лот: 8623)
Queens South Africa Medal to the Royal Army Medical Corps, Killed in Action in 1917 During the Great War, medal without clasp, awarded to ‘8840 CORPL. S.J.A. LEE R.A.M.C.’ 18-year-old Sidney Jamed Arthur Lee, from Paddington London, attested at Aldershot on 12th July 1890. He served for a total of 11 years and 80 days which included 2 years and 65 days in Egypt (no medals) and 1 year and 110 days in South Africa. He was discharged medically unfit for further service on 15th October 1901. The medal roll shows service in No.14 Stationary Hospital and in Base Hospital Maritzburg, he is entitled to the Natal clasp with a later roll (05/01/1905) also showing entitlement to the South Africa 1901 clasp. e went on to serve in the Great War and 46544 Serjeant Major Sidney Arthur James Lee was killed in action on 7th June 1917 serving with 70th Field Ambulance and he is remembered at the Railway Dugouts Burial Ground (Transport Farm).
#30 – A good WW2 Royal Naval Reserve Medal Group of 4 to a Petty Officer Who was Taken Prisoner of War After his Ship, the Armed Merchant Cruiser H.M.S Voltaire Was Sunk by the German Raider Thor, (Лот: 10096)
A good WW2 Royal Naval Reserve Medal Group of 4 to a Petty Officer Who was Taken Prisoner of War After his Ship, the Armed Merchant Cruiser H.M.S Voltaire Was Sunk by the German Raider Thor, 1939-45 Star Medal, Atlantic Star Medal, War Medal 1939-45, Royal Naval Reserve Long Service and Good Conduct Medal, GVIR 1st type, ‘6996 C G.E. OGILVIE P.O. R.N.R.’The auxiliary cruiser HMS Voltaire was on route from Trinidad to Freetown when she encountered the German commerce raider ‘Thor’ about 700 miles W.S.W. of the Cape Verde Islands on 4th April 1941. Despite being slower and out gunned by her opponent, Voltaire put up a determined resistance finally being sunk 2 hours after the action started. 13 Officers and 62 Ratings were killed, the Captain, Captain Blackburn, 21 Officers and 173 Ratings were taken prisoners of war. Captain Kohler of Thor reported that half of the sailors rescued were wounded and such was the ferocity of the fight that Thor had fired 724 rounds, over half of her ammunition during the battle.Geroge Edward Ogilvie from Southampton enrolled in the Royal Naval Reserve on 4th June 1925 and was serving on HMS Voltaire during this incident. He was one of the lucky survivors and was imprisoned in Camp 10B from 17th April 1941 until 19th July 1942 when he was transferred to Marlag and Milag Nord until his release on 28th April 1945. He was repatriated on 4th May 1945. His L.S.G.C. medal was awarded on 8th March 1946.
#30 – Highland Light Infantry (H.L.I) Drum Majors Mace (Лот: 11199)
Highland Light Infantry (H.L.I) Drum Majors Mace, fine example with large silver plated top having regimental badge to the centre. Plated mounts and linked chain running the length of the wooden haft with a large silver plated lower socket piece. Remains in very good overall condition. Approximately 52′ in length.
#30 – Great War 1914-15 Star Medal Trio to the Durham Light Infantry (Лот: 11777)
Great War 1914-15 Star Medal Trio to the Durham Light Infantry, 1914-15 Star Medal, ‘9642 PTE. S. EVANS. DURH: L.I.’, British War and Victory Medals, ‘4-9642 PTE. S. EVANS DURH L.I.’ Born on 18th October 1893 in Hetton-le-Hole, County Durham, Stephen Evans enlisted on 2nd September 1914 and served in France with the 2nd Battalion from 24th August 1915. He was discharged on 9th January 1917 being permanently unfit for further service and was issued with a Silver War Badge.
#31 – Display of WW2 British Campaign Medals (Лот: 5028)
Display of WW2 British Campaign Medals, all un-named as issued, consisting of 1939-45 Star, Atlantic Star, Air Crew Europe Star, Africa Star with 3 clasps, 1st Army, 8th Army and North Africa 1942-43, Pacific Star, Burma Star, Italy Star, France & Germany Star, Defence medal, War medal 1939-45 with Mentioned in Despatches oakleaf. All mounted on a felt covered board.
#31 – Campaign Medal Group of Six Covering Three Conflicts Over an Impressive 40 Year Period (Лот: 5934)
Campaign Medal Group of Six Covering Three Conflicts Over an Impressive 40 Year Period, Queens South Africa medal with clasps Cape Colony, Orange Free State and Transvaal, impressed naming, ‘13884 DR: G.J. LARKHAM A.S.C.’, Kings South Africa medal with 2 clasps, South Africa 1901 and South Africa 1902, ‘13884 CORPL G. LARKHAM A.S.C.’, 1914-15 Star medal, ‘13884 SJT. (A. C.S MJR) G.J. LARKHAM A.S.C.’, British War and Victory medals, ‘SS-13884 W.O.CL.2 G.J. LARKHAM A.S.C.’ and Defence medal, unnamed as issued. Group mounted for wearing on pin back bar. Both Boer War medals and clasps are confirmed on the relevant rolls (No29 Company A.S.C). Great War medals are confirmed on the medal index card. George John Larkham was born in Deal, Kent and attested or service in the Oxfordshire Light Infantry in December 1892 and was discharged by purchase in January 1895. On 13th May 1898 he attested for the Army Service Corps and served through to his discharge on 28th December 1919, having completed almost 22 years which included 6 years and 5 months in South Africa and 3 years and 2 months overseas with the B.E.F. His records do not show any entitlement to any Long Service medal and this may be due to the fact that he was tried by Court Martial in January 1915 due to drunkenness on active service being reduced to the rank of Sergeant. On discharge he gave his intended place of residence as Basingstoke, Hampshire and 1939 he is recorded as being an Army Pensioner in Highclere, Hampshire with the additional responsibility of being an A.R.P. Warden, a responsibility that would have most likely qualified him for the Defence medal. 71 year old George Larkham died in the 2nd quarter of 1944.
#31 – Third Reich SA (Sturmabteilung) Marine Dagger by J A Henckels, Solingen (Лот: 7220)
Third Reich SA (Sturmabteilung) Marine Dagger by J A Henckels, Solingen, good example of a SA Marine enlisted mans dress dagger, being the later type with standard brown wooden handle and the gilded handle and scabbard fittings. Standard early type eagle and enamel SA device. The lower cross guard is stamped ‘Wf’. Anodised scabbard with single hanging ring. Standard double edged blade with motto ‘Alles fur Deutschland’ and makers trademark to the reverse. The blade measures 22cms, overall 37cms. Some wear to the light gilt wash to the fittings and dents / crack to the ball on the lower scabbard mount. Still a good example of a hard to find dagger.
US CIVIL WAR OFFICERS HAT EMBLEMS, a 3′ x 2’darl blue wool oval, has ‘U.S.’ done in silver bullion inside a gold wreath bullion, a cotton cross hatched backing, a 2′ x 1 ¼’ on dark blue ribbed cloth oval w/ a gold bullion bugle, no backing, 2′ x 1 ½’ gray wool oval w/ ‘VIRGINIA’ in gold bullion within a gold bullion wreath, no backing, G+ – VG+
#31 – An Interesting Boer War Medal to a Canadian who Served for 22 Years in the British Army with this Being his Only Medal (Лот: 8624)
An Interesting Boer War Medal to a Canadian who Served for 22 Years in the British Army with this Being his Only Medal, Queens South Africa medal with clasp Cape Colony, ‘4943 CPL. C.C MCGREGOR R.A.M.C.’harles Cameron McGregor was born in Quebec, Canada on 12th November 1860 and he attested for the 40th Brigade at Winchester on 12th May 1879 aged 18. He transferred to the Hospital Corps on 1st February 1882 remaining with the Corps until his discharge on 25th May 1901 having completed 22 years and 14 days service. During this time, he served in Egypt, West Indies, Bermuda and twice in South Africa (20th November 1900 to 23rd July 1900 and 4th August 1900 to 20th April 1901). The issue of the medal is confirmed on the roll, but we have been unable to confirm his entitlement to the clasp.e looks to have struggled to adjust to civilian life as he had several convictions in the years following his discharge, being convicted of stealing postal letters on 27th June 1903 and sentenced to 12 months imprisonment without hard labour. On 13th June 1904 he was convicted of ‘refusing to work in the Wallingford Union’ and sentenced to 14 days Hard Labour. Immediately on his release, he was convicted at Henley on Thames on 27th June of wilful damage to a window and sentenced to 7 days imprisonment with Hard Labour. The absence of any further recorded convictions hopefully indicates him settling into civilian ways.
#31 – WW2 British Campaign Meals & Insignia Grouping of Battle of Arnhem Veteran Corporal Robert Priestley A Company 2nd Battalion Parachute Regiment (Лот: 10097)
WW2 British Campaign Meals & Insignia Grouping of Battle of Arnhem Veteran Corporal Robert Priestley A Company 2nd Battalion Parachute Regiment, interesting framed and glazed display of campaign medals consisting of 1939-45 star, Africa star, Italy star, France & Germany star, Defence medal and 1939-45 war medal. Set is framed under a re-print of a battalion photograph. Top of the frame is a reproduction PARACHUTE REGIMENT embroidered cloth shoulder title, Parachute regiment cap badge, four German paratrooper veterans badges / awards (all given to Priestley at post war airborne reunions), his wartime period embroidered jump wings, pair of facing printed pegasus formation signs, photograph of him and comrades at memorial and two pictures of him during wartime. The set also comes with boxed masonic medal, box for one of the German awards named to him, daily mail newspaper page about the battle of Arnhem, etc. All items been professionally mounted. Acquired by the vendor directly from the family.
#31 – Pre-WW1 Royal Horse Artillery Troopers Uniform (Лот: 11200)
Pre-WW1 Royal Horse Artillery Troopers Uniform, blue shell jacket with yellow frogging to the front, ball type RHA buttons to the front, red collar. Interior with blanket lining with the original 1913 dated issue label. Accompanied by a pair of breeches with red felt strip to the leg. (2 items)
#31 – A Great War 1914-15 Star Medal Trio to a Recipient in the 1/5th Battalion Gloucestershire Regiment who also saw service in the Second World War, (Лот: 11778)
A Great War 1914-15 Star Medal Trio to a Recipient in the 1/5th Battalion Gloucestershire Regiment who also saw service in the Second World War, 1914-15 Star Medal, British War and Victory Medals, ‘2653 PTE. E. WATTS GLOUC: R.’, Defence Medal, unnamed as issued. Group mounted as worn in reverse order. Ernest Watts served in France with 1/5th Battalion arriving on 29th March 1915. He was disembodied on 29th March 1919. He also served with service number 240685.