Автоматический прием ставок завершен
11.02.2025 10:00 | Аукцион начался |
Автоматический прием ставок завершен
WW2 British 1st Battalion Coldstream Guards Battle Dress Blouse, A beautiful example of a Guards Armoured Division battle dress blouse. This one being to a corporal of the 1st Armd Bn Coldstream Guards, 5th Armoured Brigade, Guards Armd Div. The insignia, embroidered titles, and the Guards divisional patch to the arms are in great appearance and applied via lovely period hand stitching. The Numeral ‘I’ denotes the 1st Battalion. The original label is in place, dating the blouse to 1944 and in size 13. The guardsman’s services number is ink stamped into the waist band of the jacket, ‘2665040’ which comes under the Coldstream Guards service number allocations. The ribbons of the ’39-45′ Star and the ‘France & Germany’ Star sit upon the chest. Overall, the blouse is in fairly good condition, its only fault is the collar hooks have rusted over time and stained some of the lining. That being said, it’s a fantastic period blouse with period applied insignia, somewhat becoming harder to find on today’s market.
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