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Отображение 129–144 из 8532
#14 – Second Afghan War Campaign Medal Pair to a Piper in the 92nd (Gorgon Highlanders) Regiment of Foot, During the Assault on Pir Paimal in the Battle of Kandahar he Struck up a Tune on his Bagpipes Until the Bag was Pierced by an Enemy Bullet (Лот: 5011)
Second Afghan War Campaign Medal Pair to a Piper in the 92nd (Gorgon Highlanders) Regiment of Foot, During the Assault on Pir Paimal in the Battle of Kandahar he Struck up a Tune on his Bagpipes Until the Bag was Pierced by an Enemy Bullet, Afghanistan medal with clasps Charasia, Kabul and Kandahar, engraved naming, ‘2113 PTE J MIDDLETON 92ND HIGHRS’ some contact marks to edge of medal, Kabul to Kandahar Star, impressed naming, ‘2113 PRIVATE J MIDDLETON 92 HIGHLANDERS’. The History of the Gordon Highlander’s Vol.II by Lt. Colonel C Greenhill Gardine, records that Middleton was a Piper and that during the assault on Pir Paimal in the Battle of Kandahar he struck up a tune on his bagpipes until the bag was pierced by an enemy bullet (photocopy from book included). James Middleton appears on the roll with service number 2113, the Afghanistan medal and 3 clasps are confirmed on the roll, he purchased his discharge in Natal on 20th December 1881.
WWII GERMAN DOUBLE-DECAL M-40 COMBAT POLICE HELMET, retains 95% of its rough texture field-green finish & 95% & 95% of its police eagle & national colors decals, the cream color leather liner is very nice but shows some rim wear & is size stamped ’56’, the chin-strap is missing its end, shell is marked ‘Q5?’ & its batch number is ‘378’, a very clean & crisp example of a rare helmet, exc.
Лидирует ставка 1 000 $ -
#14 – Victorian Afghanistan Campaign Medal to the 81st (Loyal Lincoln Volunteers) Regiment of Foot (Лот: 5917)
Victorian Afghanistan Campaign Medal to the 81st (Loyal Lincoln Volunteers) Regiment of Foot, Afghanistan medal 1878-80 with clasp Ali Musjid, engraved naming, ’12BDE/434 PTE H. WILSON 81ST FOOT’. Henry Wilson is confirmed on the roll for the medal and clasp and is shown as being at the Depot.
#14 – Rare Third Reich SA / NSKK Dagger with ‘Christmas’ Pattern Motto to Blade by Ernst Pack & Söhne, Solingen (Лот: 7203)
Rare Third Reich SA / NSKK Dagger with ‘Christmas’ Pattern Motto to Blade by Ernst Pack & Söhne, Solingen, fine and extremely rare example of the first ever issue of the SA dress dagger with the brown wooden grip having the 1st pattern 1927 pattern eagle and enamel SA device. The grip fittings have a nicotine patina. Housed in its matching scabbard with black finish to the centre, which would indicate that the scabbard was replaced when the regulation for NSKK members to have the black scabbard after 19th May 1936, where members could either paint their scabbard or exchange, the scabbard fittings match the grip fittings indicating this has been together since WW2. The double edged blade has the early motto ‘Alles fur Deutschland’ and the reverse has the makers trademark. The blade measures 22cms, overall 37 ½ cms. Untouched as found example, lower ball mount on the scabbard is cracked. On the 15th December 1933, the SA Headquarters officially decided to institute a dagger to be worn with the SA uniform. On Christmas 1933 the first grouping of SA daggers were delivered to the higher SA leaders. These daggers are referred to as ‘Weihnachtsdolch’ (Christmas Dagger) and they have different design mottos to the later examples. This is the first type of these with the early pattern eagle, later examples can be found with the standard / later type eagle, see the following lot for an example of this. This dagger is a must have for any collector of SA daggers and rarer to find than an honour dagger.
US MODEL I850 FOOT OFFICERS SWORD, W/HIGH GRADE SCABBARD MOUNTS,the ricasso is mkd. ‘Horstmann& Sons Philadelphia’ w/ a WKC crown on reverse, the double engraved blade has shield & floral designs along w/ ‘UNION LIBERTY’ etc., the blade has some sharpening near the bottom but overall is nice, its dark leather grip is worn but sound but lacks most of its wire, has a brass pierced guard that has been ‘pushed in’ a little, the black leather scabbard has a break near the bottom, the 3 brass mounts are highly engraved on both sides with floral & arms designs, there is a space on reverse where a presentation could have gone, overall VG. – VG+
#14 – India General Service Medal 1852-97 for the 1887 Burma Campaign (Лот: 8607)
India General Service Medal 1852-97 for the 1887 Burma Campaign, medal with clasp Burma 1887-89, engraved naming,’1531 PTE J STEMP 1ST BN HAMPS R.’ Pin fitting on the reverse of the clasp. ohn Stemp is confirmed on the roll for this clasp. Late Rod Flood collection
#14 – Great War British War Medal to the Rhodesia Regiment for Service in the East African Theatre of War (Лот: 10080)
Great War British War Medal to the Rhodesia Regiment for Service in the East African Theatre of War, British War medal, ‘209 PTE. J.P. HALL 1-RHODESIA REGT.’ James Pearson Hill served with the Rhodesia Regiment in the East Africa from 22nd December 1914 and later served in the British South Africa Police. Re-offered due to non-paying bidder.
#14 – Queens South Africa Medal to the Kitchener’s Fighting Scouts (Лот: 11761)
Queens South Africa Medal to the Kitchener’s Fighting Scouts, Queens South Africa Medal with clasps Cape Colony and Orange Free State, impressed naming, ’24 PTE. H. BROPHY KITCHENER’S F.S.’ Henry Brophy served with 2nd Battalion, he enlisted at Port Elizabeth on 31st July 1901 and was discharged on 21st February 1902. He is confirmed on the medal roll for the medal with both clasps and is also entitled to the South Africa 1901 and South Africa 1902 clasps.
#15 – Egypt & Sudan Campaign Medal Pair to an Able Seaman on H.M.S. Superb (Лот: 5012)
Egypt & Sudan Campaign Medal Pair to an Able Seaman on H.M.S. Superb, Egypt medal 1882-89, reverse dated 1882, with clasp Alexandria 11th July, engraved naming ‘A. CALLAWAY. A.B. H.M.S. ‘SUPERB” with Khedive’s Star medal, obverse dated 1882, unnamed as issued. 623 Egypt medals were issued to H.M.S. Superb. Alfred Callaway was born in Lambeth, Surrey on 26th May 1861 and joined the Royal Navy as a Boy 2nd Class on 29th June 1877 with service number 100603. He had an interesting time whilst serving culminating with 7 spells in the cells including 42 days hard labour in Maidstone Gaol in January 1880. He was discharged to Shore on 21st May 1900 joining the Royal Fleet Reserve. He rejoined the service in August 1914 as war loomed and was discharged on 13th October 1916 so he could resume his civilian employment at Woolwich Arsenal. For his Great War service, he was awarded a British War medal and Silver War Badge.
WWII GERMAN BATTLE FLAG, is double-sided printed cotton, swastika w/ Iron Cross in the corner, is a Kriegsmarine example, has a heavy white bunting w/ complete rope lanyard mkd. ‘Rrichskriegsflg. 150 x 250 / Berliner Fahnenfabrik Geibel & Co. Berlin’ and is eagle ‘M’ stamped, measures 56′ x 97′, this has no holes but has a fair amount of lite staining, G+
Лидирует ставка 300 $ -
#0015 – U.S. WWI helmet (Лот: 5697)
The Brodie helmet is a steel combat helmet designed and patented in London in 1915 by John Leopold Brodie. A modified form of it became the Helmet, Steel, Mark I in Britain and the M1917 Helmet in the US.Here two manufacturer’s marked examples of such helmet. One marked on the side just above the chin strap clip, the other in the inner rim on the reverse. Partial interior
#15 – Kabul to Kandahar Star to the Gordon Highlanders (Лот: 5918)
Kabul to Kandahar Star to the Gordon Highlanders, Kabul and Kandahar Star 1880, officially impressed naming, ‘1966 PRIVATE G CRICHTON 92ND HIGHLANDERS’. George Crichton is confirmed as eligible for the star on the roll of the 2nd Battalion and is also entitled to the Afghanistan medal with 3 clasps, Charasia, Kabul and Kandahar.
#15 – Rare Third Reich SA (Sturmabteilung) Dagger with ‘Christmas’ Pattern Motto to Blade by Carl Eickhorn, Solingen (Лот: 7204)
Rare Third Reich SA (Sturmabteilung) Dagger with ‘Christmas’ Pattern Motto to Blade by Carl Eickhorn, Solingen, fine example of an early SA dagger with brown wooden grip, nickel eagle and enamel SA device. Lower cross guard stamped with district / gau stamp ‘Fr’. Housed in the original anodised scabbard which has brown leather SA vertical hanger attached and single belt loop. Fine double edged blade with much of the cross graining remaining. The dagger has a variation early type motto ‘Alles fur Deutschland’, known as a Christmas pattern. The dagger blade has the early Carl Eickhorn, Solingen makers trademark to the reverse. The blade measures 22cms, overall 37 ½ cms. On the 15th December 1933, the SA Headquarters officially decided to institute a dagger to be worn with the SA uniform. On Christmas 1933 the first grouping of SA daggers were delivered to the higher SA leaders. These daggers are referred to as ‘Weihnachtsdolch’ (Christmas Dagger) and they have different design mottos to the later examples. This particular example is a transitional pattern with standard SA fittings. See previous lot for a earlier example with the 1927 pattern eagle