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Отображение 81–96 из 400
#79-1412 – 2x 1939 Iron Cross 2nd Class by Steinhauer & Lück ‘4’ and J.E. Hammer ’55’ (Лот: 12602)
2x 1939 Iron Cross 2nd Class by Steinhauer & Lück (4), Lüdenscheid and J.E. Hammer (55), Geringswalde. Three-part construction with magnetic iron core with original factory paint. Both crosses are maker marked to the ring. The Steinhauer cross is in superb condition (2+/1-), the J.E. Hammer cross is in good condition with signs of age (2). There is no damage and there are no repairs. Both crosses come with a piece of original ribbon
#79-1414 – 2x 1939 Iron Cross 2nd Class by Hermann Aurich (113) and Fritz Zimmermann (6.) (Лот: 12604)
2x 1939 Iron Cross 2nd Class. Three-part construction with magnetic iron core with original factory paint. The left one is a Hermann Aurich cross, maker marked to the ring with Aurih’s PK numbr 113 in absolutely MINT condition. The right hand one is a Fritz Zimmermann cross maker marked to the ring with Zimmermann’s PK number ‘6.’ in very good condition. No damage, no repairs. Both come with a piece of original ribbon
#79-1416 – 2x 1939 Iron Cross 2nd Class. Gustav Brehmer (13) and Berg & Nolte (40) (Лот: 12606)
2x 1939 Iron Cross 2nd Class. Three-part construction with magnetic iron core with original factory paint. One with maker marking ’13’, Gustav Brehmer, Markneukirchen the other with maker marking ’40’ Bern & Nolte, Lüdenscheid. Both good condition with some signs of age. No damage, no repairs. Both come with a piece of original ribbon
#79-1420 – 1939 Clasp to the Iron Cross 2nd Class 1914, 2nd pattern, so-called Prinzengrösse (Лот: 12610)
Silvered tombac clasp 2nd pattern, Prinzengrösse. Both prongs are present. Comes with a 10,5cm original ribbon. Minor signs of wear.Prinzengrösse means the size is only 2/3 of the full size award. It was a habit by some noblemen in the 19th century and the first World War to wear their medals in a reduced size. Hence the name
#79-1453 – Close Combat Clasp 1st Grade (bronze) ‘JFS’ (Лот: 12613)
Mid-war zinc made Close Combat Clasp in Bronze. Manufactured by the Gablonz-based maker Josef Feix &Söhne and properly marked with the maker’s logo ‘JFS’. Apart from minor traces of wear overall in very good condition. So called 1st pattern with stamped in designer mark. (cf. The German Close Combat Clasp of WW II, 2019, Thomas Durante, pages 212-213)
#79-1454 – Close Combat Clasp 1st Grade (bronze) ‘JFS’ (Лот: 12614)
Solid zinc made Close Combat Clasp In Bronze. Manufactured by the Gablonz-based maker Josef Feix & Söhne. An early variant by this maker featuring the stamped in designer mark next to the maker’s logo ‘JFS’. Apart from wear and finish loss overall in good condition. (cf. The German Close Combat Clasp of WW II, 2019, Thomas Durante, pages 212-213)
#79-1455 – Close Combat Clasp 1st Grade (bronze) ‘JFS’ (Лот: 12615)
Solid zinc made Close Combat Clasp in Bronze. Manufactured by the Gablonz-base Maker Josef Feis & Söhne and properly maker marked. A later variant by this maker featuring the raised markings and a hinge crimped in by 4 separate tabs. Overall in very good condition with a nicely preserved finish. (cf. The German Close Combat Clasp of WW II, 2019, Thomas Durante, pages 220-221)
#79-1456 – Close Combat Clasp in Bronze – FLL (Лот: 12616)
Nahkampfspange in Bronze des Herstellers Friedrich Linden aus Lüdenscheid. Die Spange aus Feinzink gefertigt, mit noch schön erhaltener Bronzierung. Auf der Rückseite mit Hersteller und intaktem Nadelsystem aus Buntmetall. Das magnetische Plättchen vergoldet, aber vermutlich neu eingesetzt! Leicht getragene Spange, mit Ansätzen von Patina und Alters- sowie Gebrauchsspuren. In der Fachliteratur ‘The German Close Combat Clasp’ von Thomas Durante wird diese Variante auf den Seiten 142-150 näher beschrieben
#79-1457 – Close Combat Clasp in Bronze – FLL (Лот: 12617)
Nahkampfspange in Bronze des Herstellers Friedrich Linden aus Lüdenscheid. Die Spange aus Feinzink gefertigt, mit kaum erhaltener Bronzierung. Auf der Rückseite mit Hersteller und intaktem Nadelsystem aus Buntmetall. Das magnetische Plättchen mit Resten der Vergoldung. Getragene Spange, mit Ansätzen von Patina und Alters- sowie Gebrauchsspuren. In der Fachliteratur ‘The German Close Combat Clasp’ von Thomas Durante wird diese Variante auf den Seiten 142-150 näher beschrieben