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Отображение 8289–8304 из 8532
#73-1292 – Close Combat Clasp 2nd Grade ‘JFS’ (Лот: 6888)
Silver grade Close Combat Clasp in zinc. 1 Pattern variant with stamped in designer’s mark. Made by Josef Feix en properly marked with the maker logo JFS. Apart from minor finish wear overall in very good condition.(Cf. The Close Combat Clasp of WW II, 2019, T. Durante, pages 212-213)
#73-1293 – Close Combat Clasp 2nd Grade ‘Juncker’ (Лот: 6889)
Silver grade Close Combat Clasp made by the Berlin-based maker C-E Juncker and properly marked. A lovely example with light traces of finish wear exposing the underlying gold-colored-based coating so typically seen on different types of Juncker-made zinc combat awards. CCC with tons of character (Cf The Geman Close Combat Clasp of WW II, 2019, T. Durante, pages 244-245)
#73-1294 – Close Combat Clasp 3rd Grade ‘FLL’ (Лот: 6890)
Close Combat Clasp in Bronze. Made by Lüdenscheid manufacturer Friedrich Linden and properly marked by the maker’s logo ‘FLL’ in circles. Clear traces of wear and heavy finish loss otherwise in good condition. (Cf The Geman Close Combat Clasp of WW II, 2019, T. Durante, pages 150-151)
#73-1297 – Infantry Assault Badge in Silver ‘ O. Schickle’ (Лот: 6893)
Early hollow Tombak/Buntmetall made Infantry Assault Badge in Silver. Unmarked but safely attributed to the Pforzheim base manufacturer Otto Schickle. The IAB survived in mint condition. Typical for this maker only the obverse received the white silver finish with polished highlights. A highlight in any IAB collection
#73-1298 – Infantry Assault Badge in Silver ‘O.Schickle’ (Лот: 6894)
Early hollow Tombak/Buntmatall made Infantry Assault Badge in Silver. Unmarked but attributed to the Pforzheim-based maker O. Schickle. The IAB shows clear traces of wear resulting in heavy finish loss exposing the gold colored base metal. Otherwise in good condition
#73-1303 – Infantry Assault Badge in Silver ‘Fo’ (Лот: 6899)
Mid-warr solid zinc Infantry Assault Badge in Silver. Manufactured by Vieaan-based Friedrich Orth and properly maker marked on the reverse with the maker’s initials ‘F.o.’. The badge clearly shows traces of heavy wear and starting zinc corrosion, otherwise in unrepaired condition
#73-1306 – Infantry Assault Badge in Silver ‘Assmann’ (Лот: 6902)
Mid-war solid zinc Infantry Assault Badge in Silver. Made by the Lüdenscheid based maker Assmann & Söhne and properly marked on the reverse of the K98. Typical for this variant is the almost complete finish loss apart from what remains on the set-up. Otherwise in good condition