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1939 Iron Cross 2nd Class. Three-part construction. Magnetic iron core with original factory paint. The stains on the core are dust that can be removed with a soft brush.Ribbon: In place. Original
1939 Iron Cross 2nd Class. Three-part construction. Magnetic iron core with original factory paint. Cross in very good condition.Ribbon: In place. Original
1939 Iron Cross 2nd Class. Three-part construction. Magnetic iron core with original factory paint. Maker mark 93 (Richard Simm & Söhne) in the ring. Small rust stain on the core. No ribbon.1939 Iron Cross 2nd Class. Three-part construction. Magnetic iron core with orginal factory paint. Full paint without any stains. Ribbon: In place. Original
2x 1939 Iron Cross 2nd Class. Three-part construction. Magnetic iron core with original factory paint.Ribbon: In place. Original.Maker mark to the ring: non. The second cross is a Rudolf Souval cross. The case is a juwelers case
1939 Iron Cross 2nd Class. Three-part construction. Magnetic iron core with original factory paint.Ribbon: In place. Original.Maker mark to the ring: ’24’, ‘4’, and unmarked
1939 Iron Cross 2nd Class single mount in very good condition. Three-part construction. Magnetic iron core with original factory paint.Ribbon: In place. Original