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Отображение 65–80 из 400
#79-1396 – 1939 Iron Cross 2nd Class by C.E. Juncker, ‘L/12’ (Лот: 12586)
1939 Iron Cross 2nd Class by C.E. Juncker, Berlin. Three-part construction with magnetic iron core with original factory paint. Maker marked to the rim with Juncker’s LDO code ‘L/12’. Very good condition with a perfect core and almost no patina to the frame. No repairs, no damage
#79-1400 – 1939 Iron Cross 2nd Class by Franz Reischauer, ‘132’ (Лот: 12590)
1939 Iron Cross 2nd Class by Franz Reischauer, Idar-Oberstein. Three-part construction with magnetic iron core with original factory paint. Maker marked to the ring with Reischauer’s PK number ‘132’. Good condition with small signs of age. No damage, no repairs. Comes with a piece of original ribbon
#79-1406 – 2x 1939 Iron Cross 2nd Class ’44’, Jakob Bengel and ’99’, Rudolf Souval (Лот: 12596)
2x,1939 Iron Cross 2nd Class by Jakob Bengel (44) and Rudolf Souval (98). Three-part construction with magnetic iron core with original factory paint. Both have an original piece of ribbon attached. Both are maker marked to the ring. The Bengel cross is in bad condition (3), the Souval cross is in good condition (2)
#79-1409 – 2x 1939 Iron Cross 2nd Class, Wächtler & Lange ‘100’ + Klein & Quenzer ’65’ (Лот: 12599)
2 1939 Iron Crosses 2nd Class. Both three-part construction with magnetic iron core with original factory paint. Both maker marked to the ring. The left one is a Wächtler & Lange with the PK number marking to the ring ‘100’. The right one is a Klein & Quenzer with K&Q’s PK number ’65’ to the ring. Both are in good condition with minor signs of age. No damage, no repairs. Both come with a piece of original ribbon