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Отображение 641–656 из 8532
#69 – WW2 German Army Officers Dagger with 1939 Christmas Decoration to the Blade (Лот: 7258)
WW2 German Army Officers Dagger with 1939 Christmas Decoration to the Blade, standard German army officers dress dagger with orange celluloid grip. Standard pommel and cross guard in the form of army eagle. Housed in the original scabbard with two hanging rings. Near mint condition double edged blade with much of the cross graining remaining. Obverse of the blade with gilt etched dedication ‘Weihnachten 1939, v. Heinz Krieg’. Reverse of the blade has makers trademark of Rich.Abr.Herder Solingen. The exterior shows some wear and with some surface rusting to the scabbard but the blade is in excellent condition. Blade 25 ½ cms, overall 38 ¾ cms.
US CIVIL WAR UNION EM BELT RIG INCLUDING BAYONT , BELT & BUCKLE & CAP BOX, a 1 ¾’ wide dark leather belt, a brass ‘US’ oval 3 ¼’ x 2′ buckle w/ arrow style hooks on reverse, matching cap box is mkd ‘WATERTOWN ARSENAL’, the socket bayonet is a 58 caliber model & us stamped ‘US’ & comes w/ its proper scabbard, the leather shows a lot wear but is still very sound, G++
#69 – WW1 American 41st Division Tunic (Лот: 11238)
WW1 American 41st Division Tunic, four pocket wool tunic with American eagle tunic buttons. Infantry & US collar discs. Bullion wire patch to arm, chevron and inverted lace chevrons to the lower arm. Allied victory medal ribbon above the breast pocket. Generally good condition.
#69 – Grouping of Scottish Military Badges (Лот: 11816)
Grouping of Scottish Military Badges, including Scots Guards officers cap star, 42ndHighlanders brass glengarry badge, other ranks Black Watch the Royal Highland Regiment of Canada glengarry badge, Royal Highlanders Black Watch officers glengarry badge (well worn, repaired lugs), WW2 cloth formation signs, pair of miniature Boer War campaign medals and other badges.
#70-0003 – Antonescu, Ion – autographs on postcards (Лот: 4399)
One period time postcard showing Ion Antonescu. It was sent on 10.4.42. The soldier also states in his text, that Antonescu is shown on the reverse.Facsimile autograph?A larger card with an original 9cm x 13cm portrait photograph. Stamped to the reverse. The same stamp is shown to the reverse of the paper background. It is titled ‘Nr. 14 erh. 16.10.41’.
This card was certainly presented as a gift. Maybe to a member of a German ‘Generalstab’.
#70-0007 – Balthasar, Wilhelm – autographs and cards (Лот: 4402)
A February 1941 ‘Beurteilung’ signed by Bathasar on the reverse with green pencil as a Hauptmann and Geschwander comanderThree original postcards. One with an original ink autograph, two with period time stamped autographs.One larger photo showing him coming out of his aircraft. Agfa Brovira paper. Original.Original ink autograph on a small piece of paper pasted on a modern card.