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Отображение 145–160 из 400

  • #79-1508 – Tank Assault Badge in Silver ‘Wurster’ (Лот: 12666)

    Mid-war solid zinc Panzer assault bade in Silver. Manufactured by the Markneukirchen-based maker Karl Wurster and properly marked with the maker’s later KWM in circle logo. The award survives in very good condition with most finish perfectly preserved. An uncommon variant featuring a wrap-around hinge instead of the normal block hinge. A beautifull example. (cf. The German Panzer Assault Badge of WW II, 2021, Philippe De Bock, pages 123)

    Начальная цена: 150 
  • #79-1509 – Tank Assault Badge in Silver ‘Meybauer’ (Лот: 12667)

    Late war solid zinc made Panzer Assault Badge In Silver. Unmarked but safely attributed to the Berlin-based maker Paul Meybauer. A rare PAB variant that survived in very good condition with most finish nicely intact. (cf. The German Panzer Assault Badge of WW II, 2021, Philippe De Bock, pages 529-530)

    Начальная цена: 150 
  • #79-1510 – Tank Assault Badge in Silver ‘AS in Triangle’ (Лот: 12668)

    Mid-war solid zinc-made Panzer Assault Badge in Silver. Manufactured in Gablonz and made by one of the unknown members hiding behind the award’s AS in triangle logo. This type originated out of the second production die. Apart from heavy wear on the swastika, possibly as a result of a denazification attempt, overall in good condition with most of its finish nicely preserved. (cf. The German Panzer Assault Badge of WW II, 2021, Philippe De Bock, pages 463-464)

    Начальная цена: 150 
  • #79-1511 – Tank Assault Badge in Silver ‘Rettenmaier’ (Лот: 12669)

    Mid-war solid zinc-made Panzer Assault Badge in Silver. Unmarked but safely attributed to the Schwabisch-Gmünd-based maker Alois Rettenmaier. Like many of this maker’s PAB’s also this example survived in far above-average condition with a close to perfectly preserved finish. (cf. The German Panzer Assault Badge of WW II, 2021, Philippe De Bock, pages 695-696)

    Начальная цена: 150 
  • #79-1512 – Tank Assault Badge in Silver ‘F&R’ (Лот: 12670)

    Mid-war solid zinc-made Panzer Assault Badge in Silver. Unmarked but safely attributed to the Stuttgard-based maker Frank & Reif. The award shows normal traces of wear and finish loss and managed to survive in factory-original condition. (cf. The German Panzer Assault Badge of WW II, 2021, Philippe De Bock, pages 597-598)

    Начальная цена: 150 
  • #79-1513 – Tank Assault Badge in Silver ‘AS in triangle’ (Лот: 12671)

    Mid-war solid zinc-made Panzer Assault Badge in Silver. Manufactured in Gablonz and made by one of the unknown members hiding behind the award’s AS in triangle logo. This type originated out of the second production die. Apart from clear traces of wear and finish loss, overall in good condition. (cf. The German Panzer Assault Badge of WW II, 2021, Philippe De Bock, pages 463-464)

    Начальная цена: 150 
  • #79-1514 – Tank Assault Badge in Silver ‘AS in triangle’ (Лот: 12672)

    Mid-war solid zinc-made Panzer Assault Badge in Silver. Manufactured in Gablonz and made by one of the unknown members hiding behind the award’s AS in triangle logo. This type originated out of the third production die. Overall in very good condition with most of its chrome-like finish nicely preserved. (cf. The German Panzer Assault Badge of WW II, 2021, Philippe De Bock, pages 471-472)

    Начальная цена: 150 
  • #79-1515 – Tank Assault Badge in Silver ‘RS’ (Лот: 12673)

    Mid-war solid zinc-made Panzer Assault Badge in Silver. Manufactured by the Vienna-based maker Rudolf Souval and properly maker-marked with the maker’s thin initials ‘R.S.’ . Overall in very nice condition with most of the obverse finish nicely preserved.(cf. The German Panzer Assault Badge of WW II, 2021, Philippe De Bock, pages 625-626)

    Начальная цена: 150 
  • #79-1516 – Ofw. Walter Wolf (Knight’s Cross) – Tank Assault Badge in Silver ‘Juncker’ (cut-out) (Лот: 12674)

    Early hollow Nickle Silver made Panzer Assault badge in Silver. Unmarked but safely attributed to the Berlin-based company C.E. Juncker. What we are looking at is a so-called ‘cut-out grass’ variant. Besides the partial removal of the grass area, here the recipient also filed out the swastika arms. The award shows clear traces of combat wear and received a replacement pin. For more info about this type of PAB we refer to : The German Panzer Assault Badge of WW II, 2021, Philippe De Bock, Chapter 8 page 937. It comes with a war-time picture of a soldier wearing a cut-out grass PAB but the picture and badge don’t belong together. The photo most likely shows Oberfeldwebel Walter Wolf, destroyed 50+ tanks, posthoumsly awarded the Knight’s Cross on October 16th, 1944 as a platoon leader serving with Panzer-Regiment 35, 4. Panzer-Division, 18. Armee

    Начальная цена: 1 100 
  • #79-1517 – Tank Assault Badge 2nd Class ’25’ in Silver ‘JFS’ (Лот: 12675)

    Mid-war zinc-made Grade II (25) Panzer Assault Badge in Silver.Unmarked but attributed to the Gablonz-based maker Josef Feix & Söhne (JFS). Overall the award remains in very good condition with most of its finish perfectly intact. The only shortcoming is it features a replacement pin.(cf. The German Panzer Assault Badge of WW II, Ph. De Bock, 2021, pages 867–868)

    Начальная цена: 870 
  • #79-1518 – Tank Assault Badge in Bronze ‘O.Schickle’ (Лот: 12676)

    Early hollow made Tombak/Buntmetall Panzer Assault badge in Bronze. Unmarked but safely attributed to the Pforzheim-based maker Otto Schickle. Beautiful example in close to mint condition. (cf. The German Panzer Assault Badge of WW II, 2021, Philippe De Bock, pages 543-544)

    Начальная цена: 160 
  • #79-1519 – Tank Assault Badge in Bronze ‘Wurster’ (Лот: 12677)

    Early Hollow made Tombak/Buntmetall Panzer Assault Badge in Bronze. Unmarked but safely attributed to the Markneukirchen-base maker Karl Wurster. Coming out of Wurster’s second so-called ‘Chaos grass pattern’ die. A beautiful example in close to mint condition with most of its two-tone finish perfectly preserved. (cf. The German Panzer Assault Badge of WW II, 2021, Philippe De Bock, pages 109-110)

    Начальная цена: 325 
  • #79-1520 – Tank Assault Badge in Bronze ‘Wurster’ (Лот: 12678)

    Mid-war solid zinc-made Panzer Assault Badge in Bronze. Manufactured by the Markneukirchen-bse maker Karl Wurster and properly maker- marked with the maker’s ‘KWM’ logo in a circle. The PAB shows clear traces of wear and finish loss but otherwise remains in factory-original condition.(cf. The German Panzer Assault Badge of WW II, 2021, Philippe De Bock, pages 121)

    Начальная цена: 150 
  • #79-1521 – Tank Assault Badge in Bronze ‘AWS’ (Лот: 12679)

    Mid-war zinc made Panzer Assault Badge in Bronze. Manufactured by the Salzburg-based maker Arno Wallpach and properly maker-marked. The badge survived in close to mint condition with all of its plated bronze finish perfectly intact. Some patina build-up on the reverse but this doesn’t distract from the perfect overall condition. Not an easy maker to find in such a nice condition. (cf. The German Panzer Assault Badge of WW II, 2021, Philippe De Bock, pages 679-680)

    Начальная цена: 150 
  • #79-1522 – Tank Assault Badge in Bronze ‘Daisy’ (Лот: 12680)

    Mid-war zinc made Panzer Assault badge in Bronze. Unmarked so-called ‘Daisy PAB’ that, based upon recent findings, most likely was manufactured by the Lüdenscheid-based maker Funcke & Brünninhaus. The PAB saw some action and shows clear traces of wear and finish loss but otherwise survived in factory-original condition. (cf. The German Panzer Assault Badge of WW II, 2021, Philippe De Bock, pages 395-396)

    Начальная цена: 150 
  • #79-1523 – Tank Assault Badge in Bronze ‘Fo’ (Лот: 12681)

    Mid-war solid zinc Panzer Assault badge in Bronze. so-called Vienna design PAB produced by the Vienna-based maker Friedrich Orth. Apart from the finish loss the PAb remains in good condition. (c.f. The German Panzer Assault badge of WW II, Philippe De Bock, revised edition 2021, Pages 669-670)

    Начальная цена: 130