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#700 – Historically Interesting Luftwaffe Honour Goblet Awarded to Lt. Hasso Mündel, for the Long Range Bombing Mission Against the Hydro Electric Plant at Lochaber in the Scottish Highlands in 1940 and Again in 1941

#700 – Historically Interesting Luftwaffe Honour Goblet Awarded to Lt. Hasso Mündel, for the Long Range Bombing Mission Against the Hydro Electric Plant at Lochaber in the Scottish Highlands in 1940 and Again in 1941

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Historically Interesting Luftwaffe Honour Goblet Awarded to Lt. Hasso Mündel, for the Long Range Bombing Mission Against the Hydro Electric Plant at Lochaber in the Scottish Highlands in 1940 and Again in 1941, rare early silver constructed honour goblet with content marking ‘835’ inside of the foot. Maker marked ‘Joh. Wagner & Sohn’. Very good condition without dents or damage. asso Mündel was part of the famous raid on the Hydro Electric plant at Lochaber in the Scottish Highlands. This power plant was designed to provide electricity for aluminium production at Fort William to the north. The existence of such an important site was not lost on the Germans, aerial photographs of it being taken as early as October 1940. The plant was critical to British aircraft production, Lochaber was given target number 7,123, but it was not attacked until 22 December 1940. Being in north-western Scotland, few German aircraft could get there, but the occupation of airfields in Norway made it feasible that the relatively new Junkers Ju 88 had the range. Early on 22 December 1940, a Ju 88 of reconnaissance unit 1. Staffel (Fern)/Aufklärungsgruppe 120 (1.(F)/120) lifted off from Stavanger-Sola. On board were Oblt Siegfried Fidorra (observer and aircraft captain), Lt Hasso Mündel (pilot), Ofw Reinhard Bothe (radio operator) and Uffz Lemberg (gunner).he official report on the attack was filed by the crew the following day and reported to the Luftwaffe high command. It said, ‘At about 10.00hrs an aircraft of AufklGr 120 (commander Oblt Siegfried Fidorra), flying at low level, successfully attacked the aluminium smelter at Lochaber north-east of Fort William. ‘The actual attack was preceded by a low-level approach to assess the favourable direction of attack. Then, two SC500 bombs with delayed-action fuses were dropped on the target in two low-level attacks despite light flak defences. The middle of the power station was hit near the entrance of the pressurised water pipe, the other bomb hit the middle of the aluminium plant. The impact of both bombs could be perfectly observed. ‘The detonation of the bombs initially resulted in heavy fire and smoke. Sometime later, explosions followed with a strong fire, possibly due to water from the pressure pipes entering the furnace house. Afterwards, the whole plant was shrouded in clouds of steam and smoke. ‘The attacked plant is an aluminium smelter of prime importance. Final assessment of the effect of this attack, which was carefully prepared and executed in cold blood, can be made only on the basis of an aerial photo. However, it appears as if a significant reduction, if not even a standstill, of production has been caused.’ The report filled to the Luftwaffe was not accurate. One 500kg bomb landed between the pipes but failed to explode. The second went through the powerhouse roof and landed on a generator, but it too failed to go off. Two workers were in the powerhouse as the bomb hit. The foreman, Johnnie Wilson, elected to use an overhead crane to lift the weapon onto a trolley and then wheel it out —a risky task, as the bomb disposal team told him afterwards. Both 500kg bombs were later successfully defused and the casing of one can still be seen today, preserved and on display inside the power station.s the Ju 88 crew headed for home unscathed, it is believed that they reported seeing 29 merchant ships, 10 patrol boats and 10 flying boats at anchor in Loch Sunart, 45km (28 miles) southwest of Fort William. What they had spotted was convoy EN41/1, which had arrived on 19 December 1940 with 32 ships and three escorts, and convoy EN42/1, made up of seven ships and four escorts, which had reached the loch the day before. The flying boats were all from No 210 Squadron, based at Oban. This was radioed through, and although the British intercepted German messages stating that a reconnaissance aircraft had spotted ‘a convoy of many large ships (merchant) anchored in the Lynn or Lorn north of Oban’, they failed to prepare the defences for an attack.n 13 March 1941, the same German crew that had attacked on 22 December 1940 — less Uffz Lemberg who had been replaced by Uffz Reiners — returned again, bombing Lochaber during another armed reconnaissance mission. At 15.15hrs, they dropped a single SC500 from an altitude of 600-700m (1,968-2,297ft). The bomb was seen to detonate in the south-western corner of the plant, but its effect was not obvious. Damage was reported as slight, yet German propaganda hailed the attack as another success. After this, three of the Fidorra crew were decorated for their bravery. Siegfried Fidorra received the Deutsches Kreuz in Gold (German Cross in gold) and Lt Hasso Mündel and Ofw Reinhard Bothe the Ehrenpokal (Honour Goblet, in silver).eutnant Mündel, also German cross in gold recipient, received the goblet on 1.11.41. Mündel was a veteran of the Battle of Britain campaign and was responsible for dropping bomps on the British Aluminium Co. company at Bristol on 22.12.40 flying the Ju 88. Mündel, later part of the long range reconnaissance unit ‘1(F)/120’ was killed in action together with his whole crew in FFäröyne, Norway still flying a Ju 88.


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