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#1175 – WW2 German Luftwaffe Photograph Album

#1175 – WW2 German Luftwaffe Photograph Album

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WW2 German Luftwaffe Photograph Album, fine snapshot photograph album compiled by a member of the Luftwaffe from the early part of the organisation and early stages of the war. Album starts with a good image of the compiler taken in 1940, wearing uniform with 1st pattern breast eagle. Then moves onto the pre-war years with images of parade ground. Good images of Stuka dive bombers and other aircraft, both on the ground and in flight. Images of Luftwaffe school, comrades, training, etc. Album goes into the early stages of the war and shows airmen in aircraft, wearing flight suits and also Flieger blouses. Many good images of bomber aircraft, again on the ground and in flight. All housed in a period album. (135 images)


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