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#1105 – WW2 German Infantry Regiment Grossdeutschland 1939 Casualty Wehrpass Grouping

#1105 – WW2 German Infantry Regiment Grossdeutschland 1939 Casualty Wehrpass Grouping

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WW2 German Infantry Regiment Grossdeutschland 1939 Casualty Wehrpass Grouping, interesting grouping of documents issued to Otto Hellweg who served initially with the RAD, his wehrpass having an RAD uniform photograph to the inside. He was serving with 11th Infanterie Regiment ‘Grossdeutschland’ from 9th September 1939 until 6th October 1939 when he was killed near Saarbrucken. Due to the early nature of his death, the wehrpass has few entries noted. Accompanying the wehrpass is his SA brown linen ausweis document, SA sports badge record book, 1st pattern Arbeitsbuch (work book), Labour service Mitglieds-Karte with same uniform photograph to the inside as the wehrpass, Musterungs-Ausweis 1935 with civilian photograph and his fathers Imperial German soldbuch and WW2 Wehrpass with just a few entries in both. An interesting grouping to a very early casualty who was serving with one of the elite regiments of the German army. Late Colin Kluth collection


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