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#437 – WW1 German Prussian Ersatz Tin Pickelhaube

#437 – WW1 German Prussian Ersatz Tin Pickelhaube

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WW1 German Prussian Ersatz Tin Pickelhaube, fine example of an original ersatz all tin other ranks pickelhaube with its original special pattern Prussian other ranks eagle helmet plate, with the rear of the plate having the fitting only found for tin pickelhaubes, instead of the usual loops on plates for leather helmets. Original leather chinstrap and other ranks pattern cockades. Moulded other ranks brass spike and back strap. Much of the original black finish remains to the helmet shell. Interior with its original leather liner system with felt inner. The helmet plate is damaged, missing part of the lower leg and orb and some light areas of rusting to the shell but overall this is a good example of a hard to find now original ersatz tin pickelhaube. With a shortage of leather for the war effort, German manufacturers of pickelhaubes experimented with various materials including tin, felt and canvas cloth over cork. The famous German tin toy manufacturer, Bing, produced many pickelhaube helmets and often you find examples with their makers details.


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