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#202 – WW2 RAF Aircrew War Service Dress Blouse, Escape Compass Button and Trousers

#202 – WW2 RAF Aircrew War Service Dress Blouse, Escape Compass Button and Trousers

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WW2 RAF Aircrew War Service Dress Blouse, Escape Compass Button and Trousers, Original war service dress blouse and trousers named to a ‘Wilson, 402570’ to each label plus his dog tags with his surname and service number. The blouse itself is in great condition, 1944 dated to the label and in a size 15. The padded Air Gunner’s brevet sits in the usual place on the chest with the 39-45 star and the Aircrew Europe ribbons. Printed albatrosses are machine stitched to each shoulder above the Flight sergeant’s crowns and stripes. The crowns are in the economy plastic and the stripes of RAAF origin. The best feature of the blouse is the button having been replaced by an escape compass type button. This type of compass could be hung upside down on a piece of string and the two illuminated dots will show true north. Upon the collar hooks is an ‘AM’ marked ditching whistle, quite a common wartime practice. The trousers are of the standard wartime WSD pattern, bare the label stating they are ‘Royal Observer Corps’. Although its likely they are a period mistake. His name of ‘Wilson’ and service number also confirm this pair belong to this air gunner. A good set of named WSD which has some lovely additional features and worth of further research. A great piece of bomber command history.


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