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#968 – ^ Spanish Army Generals Presentation Sword, Pre 1936, Attributed to General Luis Aizpuru Mondéjar

#968 – ^ Spanish Army Generals Presentation Sword, Pre 1936, Attributed to General Luis Aizpuru Mondéjar

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^ Spanish Army Generals Presentation Sword, Pre 1936, Attributed to General Luis Aizpuru Mondéjar, fine example with richly gilt and chiselled decorated cross guard with silver and enamelled crowned coat of arms to the centre. Two piece ivory grips with fine rich gilt fittings and original bullion officers sword knot attached. Housed in its plated dress scabbard with single hanging ring. Slightly curved slender blade with fine blue and gilt etched decoration, central inscription ‘EL CIRCULO MERCANTIL DE MELILLA AL EXCMO TENIENTE GENERAL D.LUIS AIZPURU’ (THE MERCANTILE CIRCLE OF MELILLA TO HIMSELF LIEUTENANT GENERAL D.LUIS AIZPURU). Toledo made blade. The blade measures 78cms, overall 94cms. eneral Aizpuru was born in 1857. In 1874 he entered the Infantry Academy and in 1915 he was named general commander of Melilla, succeeding Francisco Gómez Jordana . He was Chief of the Central General Staff of the Army between January 7, 1922 and July 28, 1923 and Minister of War between May 26 and September 15, 1923 in two García Prieto governments, immediately prior to the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera . He held the position of high commissioner of Spain in Morocco between 1923 and 1924. He was a member of the National Consultative Assembly of the dictatorship between 1927 and 1930. He died in Madrid 31st March 1939. vory Exemption Certificate Submission Reference: UE548AZV lease note specialist shipping and licensing documents required for export outside of the UK. This to be completed by buyer.


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