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#312 – Presentation Photograph Album of Cheltenham YMCA 1913-1922

#312 – Presentation Photograph Album of Cheltenham YMCA 1913-1922

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Presentation Photograph Album of Cheltenham YMCA 1913-1922, the album was presented to Mr W C Turner. Inside front page has a finely produced dedication ‘This Album together with a cheque was presented to MR W C TURNER by the committee and members of the Cheltenham y.m.c.a and by his many friends in the town, in cordial and affectionate recognition of his untiring and very effectual services in the reconstruction of the old association at Cambray and the organisation of the new one at the Promenade. They feel that during his secretaryship the spiritual interests and work of the association were ever kept in the front 1913-1922’. The album has various photographs, rolls and newspaper cuttings relating to the organisation and his time with the YMCA. An interesting item.


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