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#241 – Boer War Archive of Items Relating to Lieutenant Cyril Herbert Smith Gloucestershire Regiment, Stationed on the Island of St Helena to Guard Boer Prisoners

#241 – Boer War Archive of Items Relating to Lieutenant Cyril Herbert Smith Gloucestershire Regiment, Stationed on the Island of St Helena to Guard Boer Prisoners

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Артикул: 6144 Категория:

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Boer War Archive of Items Relating to Lieutenant Cyril Herbert Smith Gloucestershire Regiment, Stationed on the Island of St Helena to Guard Boer Prisoners, the archive of items which includes a fine personal photograph album compiled by Smith whilst on the island, some images taken by local photographer A.L.Innes of Jamestown. One image shows the captured Boer general Cronje with his staff/entourage (including Mrs Cronje) and their escort of British guards. Other photographs are smaller and most likely were taken by Cyril himself and show life of an officer and contrast the prisoners on the island. The album has been rebound at some point. Also with the grouping is a superb Boer prisoner made desk tidy which has pen rests and tiny little drawers which open and were presumably intended for pen nibs or other small accessories. Small ivory fittings for the drawers; Six wooden walking sticks carved by Boer POWs. Each has a distinctive carved top, two are the heads of dogs, one ball and claw etc. The grouping was acquired by the current vendor from the son of Cyril Herbert Smith. Ivory exemption declaration BKSHQ6D1.


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