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#85 – Great War Royal Army Medical Corps Military Cross Medal Group of Eight to a Lieutenant Colonel who was Killed in Action on the Hospital Ship H.M.H.S. Newfoundland When She Was Attacked and Sunk by the Luftwaffe off the Coast of Salerno in September 1943

#85 – Great War Royal Army Medical Corps Military Cross Medal Group of Eight to a Lieutenant Colonel who was Killed in Action on the Hospital Ship H.M.H.S. Newfoundland When She Was Attacked and Sunk by the Luftwaffe off the Coast of Salerno in September 1943

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Great War Royal Army Medical Corps Military Cross Medal Group of Eight to a Lieutenant Colonel who was Killed in Action on the Hospital Ship H.M.H.S. Newfoundland When She Was Attacked and Sunk by the Luftwaffe off the Coast of Salerno in September 1943, Military Cross, GV, unnamed as issued, 1914-15 Star Medal ‘LIEUT H. FOXTON R.A.M.C.’, British War and Victory medals ‘MAJOR H. FOXTON R.A.M.C.’, with M.I.D. oakleaves, 1939-45 Star medal, Atlantic Star medal, Africa Star medal and War medal 1939-45, last 4 unnamed as issued. Also with named condolence slip for Second World War medals (4 medals issued), with typed naming ‘LIEUTENANT / COLONEL H FOXTON, M.C.’ilitary Cross, London Gazette 17th December 1917 – Capt. Hartas Foxton R.A.M.C.- Military Cross citation, London Gazette 23rd April 1918 – Capt. Hartas Foxton R.A.M.C. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty when in charge of the collection of wounded. He personally directed and visited all the regimental posts many times a day, often under heavy fire. By his energy he kept his bearers working, though exhausted, until the completion of the evacuation.ention in Despatches, London Gazette 29th May 1917.artas Foxton was born into a farming family in Selby, Yorkshire in July 1889. On the 1911 Census he is a medical student. We have been unable to confirm when he enlisted but his promotion to Captain in the West Riding Field Ambulance is confirmed in the London Gazette of 22nd September 1915. Promotion to Acting Major was confirmed in the London Gazette of 20th April 1918 and he relinquished has Acting rank in the Gazette of 24th July 1919.etween the wars he worked as a General Practitioner in the town of Uttoxeter, Staffordshire and on the outbreak of war in 1939 he was confirmed as a Major in the Royal Army Medical Corps from the Territorial Reserve of Officers (L.G. 8th November 1939). n September 1943 Lieutenant Colonel Hartas Foxton M.B, Ch.B. was on board the hospital ship H.M.H.S. Newfoundland, 1 of 3 hospital ships supporting the Salerno landings. Following several near misses on 12th September, it was decided to anchor the ships 40 nautical miles offshore for safety overnight. Despite being fully illuminated and marked with Red Cross markings, at 5am on 13th September Newfoundland was struck by a Henschel Hs293 air-launched glide bomb dropped by a Dornier bomber of KG100. The ship caught fire and after 36 hours was towed further out to sea and scuttled. At the time of the attack the ship was carrying 2 patients and 32 crew and 6 Medical Officers, including Lt Col. Foxton, and 6 Staff Nurses were killed during the attack.ieutenant Colonel Hartas Foxton is commemorated on the Brookwood 1939-1945 Memorial, Surrey.


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