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#7 – A Fine Battle of Waterloo and Long Service Medal Pair to the 59th (2nd Nottinghamshire) Regiment

#7 – A Fine Battle of Waterloo and Long Service Medal Pair to the 59th (2nd Nottinghamshire) Regiment

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A Fine Battle of Waterloo and Long Service Medal Pair to the 59th (2nd Nottinghamshire) Regiment, Waterloo medal, ‘SERJ. RICHARD WELLS, 2ND BATT. 95TH REG FOOT’, medal fitted with period replacement silver clip and ring suspension, Army Long Service and Good Conduct medal VR, 1st type, ‘R. WELLS, ACTING SERJT. MAJOR INVALID DEPOT 1838’, contact marks and edge bruising to the Waterloo medal. ichard Wells was born in the Parish of St Nicholas, Nottingham, and enlisted into the 2/59th Foot at Rye, Sussex, on 4 April 1809, aged 27, a frame knitter by trade and a volunteer from the Nottingham Militia. He enlisted directly in the rank of Sergeant and served ‘at Walcheren, at the battle of Vittoria 21 June 1813, storming of St Sebastian 31 August 1813, battles of Bidafsoa, Nivelle, Nive, Bayonne, Waterloo 18 June 1815, Cambray 24 June & surrender of Paris 6 July 1815’. Wells had been promoted to Colour-Sergeant in March 1815 and was, most fortunately for him, transferred to the 1st Battalion in January 1816. On 30 January 1816 the transport ship Seahorse, carrying the 2/59th to Cork was wrecked in Tranmore Bay with the loss of 12 officers and 264 men. In June 1823 he was appointed Acting Sergeant-Major to the Provisional Battalion at Fort Cumberland until 26 August 1825, when he became Acting Sergeant-Major at Chatham. On 24 September 1826 he transferred into the Newfoundland Veterans Companies and was appointed Acting Sergeant-Major, 25 December, of the Invalid Depot at Fort Pitt, Chatham.e was discharged on 9 May 1838, aged 56, with a total pensionable service of 31 years, 17 years 174 days as a Sergeant and 11 years 204 days as Sergeant-Major. The cause of his discharge was in consequence of ‘advanced age, rheumatism, want of activity and being subject to attacks of gout’. He received the L.S. & G.C. medal shortly afterwards and took up residence in Ordnance Place, Chatham, as an out-pensioner of Chelsea Hospital. On 15 November 1840, he was certified as being unable to leave his bed due to rheumatism and was to be visited to receive his pension. Sergeant-Major Richard Wells died on 1 December 1840. old with copied discharge papers.


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