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#61 – A Korean War Pair of Medals to a Royal Navy Officer who was Present on the Destroyer HMS Comus when she was Attacked and Damaged by Enemy Aircraft in August 1950

#61 – A Korean War Pair of Medals to a Royal Navy Officer who was Present on the Destroyer HMS Comus when she was Attacked and Damaged by Enemy Aircraft in August 1950

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A Korean War Pair of Medals to a Royal Navy Officer who was Present on the Destroyer HMS Comus when she was Attacked and Damaged by Enemy Aircraft in August 1950, Queens Korea Medal, ‘LIEUT. D.N. DALTON R.N.’, United Nations Korea Medal, unnamed as issued, medals mounted as worn.’on 23 August 1950 H.M.S. Comus was attacked by two Ilyushin II-10 bombers 85 miles west of Kunsan. The ‘Sturmoviks’ attacked singly from astern. The first dropped four bombs that holed the ship on the port side, killing one sailor and wounding another. The second dropped its load ahead of the ship and missed completely. The Comus immediately made for Kure for repairs, escorted by her sister, H.M.S. Consort, and covered by U.S. carrier fighters.’David Norman Dalton was appointed Midshipman on 1st January 1947, promoted to Sub Lieutenant on 1st May 1948, Lieutenant on 1st March 1951 and promoted to Lieutenant Commander on 1st March 1959 he retired in 1969.


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