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#54 – An Impressive Second World War Malta Siege George Cross Recipients Copy Medal Group for Wearing of Lieutenant D A Copperwheat

#54 – An Impressive Second World War Malta Siege George Cross Recipients Copy Medal Group for Wearing of Lieutenant D A Copperwheat

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An Impressive Second World War Malta Siege George Cross Recipients Copy Medal Group for Wearing, George Cross (copy), machine engraved naming in four lines, ‘LT, D.A. COPPERWHEAT, RN, 17-11-42’, 1939-45 Star medal, Atlantic Star medal with France & Germany clasp, Africa Star with clasp North Africa 1942-43, War medal 1939-45, 1953 Coronation medal and 1977 Silver Jubilee medal. Last 6 medals unnamed as issued. George Cross, London Gazette 17th November 1942 – ‘The KING has been graciously pleased to approve the Award of the GEORGE CROSS to Lieutenant Dennis Arthur Copperwheat, Royal Navy, H.M.S. Penelope. For great bravery at Malta. During heavy air attacks on Valletta, Lieutenant Copperwheat was sent in charge of a party of men from H.M.S. Penelope to scuttle a Merchantman, laden with ammunition, which was burning in the harbour. Owing to the fires, it was impossible to place scuttling charges in the holds, and they had to be slung over the side of the ship. As they worked, ammunition was exploding all round them from burning stowages on deck. The ship lay 40 yards from the shore, to which the electric cables for firing the scuttling charges could only just reach. Lieutenant Copperwheat sent his working party to shelter, and stayed himself to fire the charges from a position where he was exposed to the full blast of the explosion, which lifted him bodily. But for his brave action the ship must have blown up, and grave damage would have been done to the harbour. Moreover, much of the ammunition was saved and some very heavy bombs, part of the cargo, were soon afterwards dropped in Italy.’ 1 of only 3 George Crosses awarded for the siege of Malta. Lieutenant Copperwheat was from Northamptonshire and was from the same area as the collection this medal group came from. This group we believe to be the one Copperwheat wore to official engagements as opposed to his original issues. The original group we believe was sold by Sotherby’s.


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