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#53 – The Unusual Great War Serbian Samaritan Cross Attributed to Private George Sharpe who served in the 1st Home Counties Field Ambulance, Royal Army Medical Corps

#53 – The Unusual Great War Serbian Samaritan Cross Attributed to Private George Sharpe who served in the 1st Home Counties Field Ambulance, Royal Army Medical Corps

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The Unusual Great War Serbian Samaritan Cross Attributed to Private George Sharpe who served in the 1st Home Counties Field Ambulance, Royal Army Medical Corps, Serbian Samaritan Cross (Croix de la Misericorde), some enamel loss to the reverse centre, un-named as issued. Accompanied by a small collection of original documentation which includes Character certificate for 493042 Private George Sharpe, R.A.M.C., discharged 31st March 1920; Hand-written letter of reference for George Sharp, late 493042 1st H.C.F.A. dated 28th August 1924 and signed by a Lieutenant-Colonel R.A.M.C; Enclosure letter for the Serbian Croix de la Misericorde to Mr G Sharpe, Camden Street, Maidstone, Kent dated 4th December 1919; Book, The 1st Home Counties Field Ambulance and the Great War 1914-1919, by Lieut. Fredk J. Wood, published 1923. London Gazette, 16th January 1920 – Decorations conferred by HIS MAJESTY THE KING OF SERBIA, SAMARITAN CROSS, 493042 Private George Sharpe, 81st (1st Home ‘Counties) Field Ambulance, Royal Army Medical Corps (Territorial Force) (Maidstone)


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