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#16 – Queens South Africa Medal to a Recipient in the Grenadier Guards Who Was Killed in Action on 29th May 1900 at the Battle of Biddulphsberg

#16 – Queens South Africa Medal to a Recipient in the Grenadier Guards Who Was Killed in Action on 29th May 1900 at the Battle of Biddulphsberg

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Queens South Africa Medal to a Recipient in the Grenadier Guards Who Was Killed in Action on 29th May 1900 at the Battle of Biddulphsberg, Queens South Africa Medal with clasps Cape Colony and Orange Free State, engraved naming, ‘2245 PTE: T. BARRETT GREN: GDS’.Medal and both clasps confirmed on the medal roll of the 2nd Battalion and is noted as killed in action. The Battle of Biddulphsberg took place on a small hill approximately 13km east of Senekal when the column under Lt-General Sir Leslie Rundle was ambushed by a force of 400 Boers under General A de Villiers resulting in British casualties of 40 men killed and 130 wounded, the losses being compounded by the raging veldt fire that swept through the British positions.


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