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#126 – Second World War ‘Operation Brassard’ Distinguished Service Medal and Long Service Group of Eight Awarded to the Coxswain of L.C.S.(M)54 for the Invasion Landings on the Island of Elba in June 1944

#126 – Second World War ‘Operation Brassard’ Distinguished Service Medal and Long Service Group of Eight Awarded to the Coxswain of L.C.S.(M)54 for the Invasion Landings on the Island of Elba in June 1944

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Second World War ‘Operation Brassard’ Distinguished Service Medal and Long Service Group of Eight Awarded to the Coxswain of L.C.S.(M)54 for the Invasion Landings on the Island of Elba in June 1944, Distinguished Service medal, GVI 1st type, engraved naming, ‘TEMP A/L.S. C.W.G. BAUMBER C/SSX 25991’, 1939-45 Star medal, Atlantic Star medal, Africa Star medal, Pacific Star medal, War medal 1939-45, Royal Fleet Reserve Long Service and Good Conduct medal, EIIR, 1st type (Britt. Omm), ‘SSX 25991 C.W.G. BAUMBER D.S.M. CH.B 26505 L.S. R.F.R.’ correction to the letter F in R.F.R.istinguished Service medal, London Gazette 7th November 1944 – For distinguished services in operations, carried out in the face of determined opposition from the enemy, which led to the capture of Island of Elba: Temporary Acting Leading Seaman Claude Walter George Baumber, C/SSX.25991 (Upper Holloway). The Recommendation for this awards states – Temporary Acting Leading Seaman C. W. G. Baumber was Coxswain of L.C.S. (M.) 54, covering the assault on Kodak Sector, Elba on 17 June 1944. This craft covered all flights into the bay and drew fire from shore batteries. Baumber remained at the wheel for nine hours, much of which time under heavy fire, setting an example of courageous cheerfulness to his crew, and only relinquished his post when the craft had exhausted its ammunition and was hoisted aboard a repair ship.he main assault was carried out by French troops, with the support of R.N. Commandos, and assorted ships and landing craft manned by the R.N. and U.S.N. Allied intelligence had grossly underestimated Elba’s defences – rather than ‘under 800 Germans, preponderantly Poles and Czechs of low morale and all set for evacuation’, the Allied assault was met by a force of 2,600 Germans who fought extremely well, including crack Herman Goering Panzer Grenadiers, who had been sent from the Russian Front to strengthen the German/Italian front. Landing Craft crew member takes up the story: ‘We had no inkling that this task would be anything but easy, but as it unfolded it turned into the worst landing I ever took part in. We passed through a small opening into the harbour, which was overlooked on both sides by high ground. A death trap if ever I saw one. I was terrified of the whole layout. As we entered the harbour, they commenced firing at us with everything they had. They poured phosphorous shells into the troop ships, the panic amongst the troops, especially the poor Senegalese, was total. They jumped or were pushed overboard to try to escape this frightening and diabolical weapon. The shore batteries continued to blast them with 88mm. artillery. They hit them with every conceivable weapon from every vantage point. I am convinced they knew exactly when and where the landings were to take place and with typical German thoroughness, had prepared for it. After the initial landing, we picked up a few wounded Commandos from the jetty and thankfully cleared the harbour and took them back to Corsica. That night saw a thousand and one acts of bravery which, I hope one day, will be told’. he bravery awards for this action, in percentage terms, was the highest for any British naval action of the entire war. Sadly, the majority were posthumous.


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