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#123 – WW2 1945 Bomber Command Distinguished Flying Medal Group of 5 to a Mid-Upper Gunner in a 12 Squadron Lancaster Bomber, Who Flew at least 29 Operational Sorties and was Credited with Destroying 1 Enemy Aircraft and Damaging at least 1 Other

#123 – WW2 1945 Bomber Command Distinguished Flying Medal Group of 5 to a Mid-Upper Gunner in a 12 Squadron Lancaster Bomber, Who Flew at least 29 Operational Sorties and was Credited with Destroying 1 Enemy Aircraft and Damaging at least 1 Other

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WW2 1945 Bomber Command Distinguished Flying Medal Group of 5 to a Mid-Upper Gunner in a 12 Squadron Lancaster Bomber, Who Flew at least 29 Operational Sorties and was Credited with Destroying 1 Enemy Aircraft and Damaging at least 1 Other, Distinguished Flying medal, GVIR 1st type, officially engraved naming, ‘2219060 F/SGT. A.J. BATE R.A.F.’, 1939-45 Star medal, France & Germany Star medal, Defence medal and War medal 1939 – 45, the last 4 all privately engraved ‘F/SGT A J BATE DFM, 12 SQDN, 1 GP, BMR CMMD’. Group display mounted.ondon Gazette, 17th July 1945, The KING has been graciously pleased to approve the following awards: — Distinguished Flying Medal, 2219060 Arthur James BATE, R.A.F.V.R., 12 Sqnecommendation – Flight Sergeant Bate is the mid-upper gunner of a Lancaster bomber and has flown 29 successful sorties against the enemy. Many of these attacks have been against deep penetration targets such as Munich, Nuremberg, Dresden and Chemnitz. This gunner’s air discipline has at all times been beyond reproach and his coolness and fighting spirit has inspired the highest standard of morale in his crew. On the night of the 2/3 January 1945, while returning from an attack on Nuremberg, our aircraft was illuminated by fighter flares and a Ju.88 was sighted by Flight Sergeant Bate attacking in the starboard quarter down. Flight Sergeant Bate immediately requested the correct evasive action to be taken and accurate fire, obtained numerous strikes on the enemy fighter which was last seen diving steeply away to starboard. Previously on the same night, this N.C.O. was concerned in a successful combat with an Me.109 when he materially assisted his rear gunner with the destruction of this aircraft. On several other occasions, Flight Sergeant Bate has, by his aggressive spirit, assisted in driving off impeding attacks by enemy fighters. The courage and skill of this N.C.O. is of the highest order and I have no hesitation in recommending him for the award of the Distinguished Flying Medal.emarks by Station Commander: Flight Sergeant Bate, as mid-upper gunner, has displayed a magnificent fighting spirit in action. His immediate recognition of danger, his superb handling of his guns and his good directions to his captain in combat have inspired his crew with the utmost confidence and made him an indispensable member. I strongly recommend that the fine fighting spirit and proved ability shown by this N.C.O. be rewarded by the award of the Distinguished Flying Medal.’rthur James Bate flew his operational service as an Air Gunner in Lancaster bombers with 12 Squadron flying at least 29 sorties between September 1944 and March 1945 his targets including: Frankfurt, Calais (2), Neuss, West Kappelle Seawall, Wilhelmshaven, Stuttgart, Essen, Bonn (2), Cologne (3), Dusseldorf, Gelsenkirchen, Wanne Eickel, Schaffenburg, Dortmund (2), Nuremberg (2), Royan, Munich, Vattegort, Cleve, Dresden, Chemnitz, Duisberg, Pforzheim, Mannheim and Misburg.


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