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#115 – 1944 Battle of Monte Cassino Immediate Military Cross Medal Group of Six to a Lieutenant in the Dorset Regiment, Attached to the Royal Fusiliers, Who Despite Being Badly Wounded by a Shell Continued to Take Charge of his Men and Look After the Other Wounded Until They Could be Evacuated Many Hours Later

#115 – 1944 Battle of Monte Cassino Immediate Military Cross Medal Group of Six to a Lieutenant in the Dorset Regiment, Attached to the Royal Fusiliers, Who Despite Being Badly Wounded by a Shell Continued to Take Charge of his Men and Look After the Other Wounded Until They Could be Evacuated Many Hours Later

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1944 Battle of Monte Cassino Immediate Military Cross Medal Group of Six to a Lieutenant in the Dorset Regiment, Attached to the Royal Fusiliers, Who Despite Being Badly Wounded by a Shell Continued to Take Charge of his Men and Look After the Other Wounded Until They Could be Evacuated Many Hours Later, Military Cross, GVI, 1st type, reverse officially dated 1944, 1939-45 Star medal, Italy Star medal, Defence medal, War medal 1939-45, General Service medal 1918-62, GVI, with clasp Malaya ‘CAPT P.L. PENN M.C. DORSET’. Group mounted as worn with a matching set of mounted miniature medals all contained in a fitted case which has the initials PLP on the exterior. Lot also include Officer Identity Card (with photograph), Officers Record of Service (Army Book 439), group photographs, Rule Book of the Officers Club Devonshire and Dorst Regiment, Order of Service for 50th Division Service of Thanks Giving and Remembrance, 16th May 1945, Order of Service to Celebrate 250th Anniversary of the Dorset Regiment, 1st June 1952, Regimental Journal May 1973 containing Penn’s obituary.ilitary Cross, London Gazette 24th August 1944 – The KING has been graciously pleased to approve the following immediate award’s in recognition of gallant and distinguished services in Italy: Lieutenant Philip Lionel Penn (281805), Infantry (West Dean, Wilts).he recommendation for the award states – ‘At CASSINO on 29 Apr 44 Lt PENN was taking over comd of a fwd pl of Y coy 2 RF in a posn shared with another pl of the same coy in house ‘ROGER’. The area was being heavily shelled at the time and at 1327 hrs one shell scored a direct hit on the already badly damaged house, penetrating the roof, and burst among the men in a small room inside. Three were killed outright and of the twelve who were wounded, three subsequently died. Lt PENN himself was badly wounded in both legs, had his wrist broken and hand smashed: but despite his injuries he refused to allow himself to be attended to. Instead he took charge of the situation, organized the remaining men of the two pls in def of the posn, gave what first aid treatment he could, administered morphia where necessary and made the wounded as comfortable as possible until evacuation could be arranged many hours later. This officer’s conduct, cheerfulness and tenacity of duty was an inspiration to everyone in the posn and has earned him the admiration of all his men.’


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