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#114 – Superb and Poignant Second World War Bomber Command 1941 Distinguished Flying Cross and 1943 Distinguished Service Order Medal Group of Six to Wing Commander Leslie Crooks, the Commanding Officer of 426 (RCAF) Squadron Who Was Killed During a Bombing Raid on the German V2 Rocket Facility at Peenemunde in August 1943

#114 – Superb and Poignant Second World War Bomber Command 1941 Distinguished Flying Cross and 1943 Distinguished Service Order Medal Group of Six to Wing Commander Leslie Crooks, the Commanding Officer of 426 (RCAF) Squadron Who Was Killed During a Bombing Raid on the German V2 Rocket Facility at Peenemunde in August 1943

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Superb and Poignant Second World War Bomber Command 1941 Distinguished Flying Cross and 1943 Distinguished Service Order Medal Group of Six to Wing Commander Leslie Crooks, the Commanding Officer of 426 (RCAF) Squadron Who Was Killed During a Bombing Raid on the German V2 Rocket Facility at Peenemunde in August 1943, Distinguished Service Order, GVIR, reverse dated 1943, on investiture pin and in titled case of issue, Distinguished Flying Cross, GVIR, reverse dated 1941, on investiture pin and in titled case of issue, India General Service medal 1936-39 with clasp North West Frontier 1936-37, impressed naming, ‘561078 SGT L. CROOKS R.A.F.’, 1939-45 Star medal, Air Crew Europe Star medal, War medal 1939-45, unnamed as issued, contained in cardboard postal box of issue addressed to ‘MRS F.G. CROOKS, 221 LINCOLN ROAD, WERRINGTON, PETERBOROUGH, NORTHANTS’ with named medal condolence slip, ‘WING COMMANDER L. CROOKS D.S.O., D.F.C.’ This lot also includes another War medal 1939-45 and a fine example of a Knight Batchelor’s Badge the reverse hallmarked London 1926 and contained in its fitted case of issue. We have been unable to confirm how these additional medals relate to Leslie Crooks or his family. Group accompanied by a large archive of original documentation and other items including; Hallmarked silver cigarette case, the inside of the lid engraved, ‘COUDON TOWNSHIP, TO, LESLIE CROOKS D.F.C., 24TH May 1941’. 3 Pilots Logbooks covering the period from September 1929 to his death in August 1943. The first book to LAC Crooks covers the period in India and North West Frontier in 1930’s, the next two SGT Crooks covers March 1937 to January 1942. Commission Document, dated 20th July 1940. Distinguished Service Order bestowal document, 28th May 1943. Portrait photograph in uniform. 10 printed copies of congratulatory messages and signals to Bomber Command Squadrons from the Commander-in-Chief, Bomber Command. Obituary newspaper cutting. Original magazines containing photographs of Leslie Crooks, Wings Abroad, RCAF newspaper, 22nd December 1942 and the Illustrated, 12th October 1940. Press photograph of a group inspecting an aircraft. Official Condolence Scroll, ‘WING COMMANDER L. CROOKS ROYAL AIR FORCE. Newspaper cutting showing his wife after collecting his DSO at Buckingham Palace. A superb item of RAF gallantry from a high ranking pilot, killed in one of the most famous and important raids by bomber command of WW2. istinguished Service Order, London Gazette 28th May 1942 – The KING has been graciously pleased to approve the following awards in recognition of gallantry displayed in flying operations against the enemy: — Acting Wing Commander Leslie CROOKS, D.F.C. (44054), No. 426 (R.C.A.F.) Squadron. This officer is an ideal leader, whose ability and untiring efforts have been reflected in the high standard of efficiency of his squadron. His courage and skill were admirably demonstrated during a recent attack on Duisburg. When approaching the target his aircraft was raked by cannon fire from an enemy fighter. Wing Commander Crooks skilfully evaded the attacker but his aircraft had sustained much damage. Although one aileron and half the port tail plane had been shot away, while the hydraulic and electrical systems were rendered inoperative, Wing Commander Crooks flew the bomber back to this country. Unfortunately, it was impossible to effect a safe landing but, when the crew were forced to abandon aircraft, all descended safely. In the face of heavy odds, Wing Commander Crooks set an example worthy of high praise.istinguished Flying Cross, London Gazette 11th February 1941 – The KING has been graciously pleased to approve the following awards: — Acting Flight Lieutenant Leslie CROOKS (44054), No. 58 Squadron.eslie Crooks (Officers number 44054) was commissioned as Pilot Officer, London Gazette (L.G.)23rd July 1940, Temporary Flying Officer L.G. 4th April 1941 with the rank being confirmed in L.G. 1st August 1941. Flight Lieutenant L.G. 21st April and Squadron Leader L.G. 27th August 1943.rooks commenced his operational flying on 26th June 1940 flying a Whitley V bomber on a raid to Cologne, two months later he piloted an aircraft on the first bombing mission to Berlin a raid sanctioned as pay back for German attacks on London and other UK cities on the previous night. Crooks competed his first operational tour on 11th February 1941.rooks then resumed training and instructional flying until he started his second tour on 21st January 1943 flying a Wellington III on a mining mission to the Friesians. He bombed St Nazaire on 28th March 1943. On 26th April his target was Duisberg and this was the mission mentioned in his DSO citation, his log book has the note, ‘damaged by fighter, abandoned a/c, all crew OK’.e flew his last mission on 17th August 1943, this being the first bombing raid on the German rocket research establishment at Peenemunde on the Baltic coast. 596 Allied bombers took part in the raid and it was the fist time that 6 (Canadian) Group had operated Lancaster bombers. 426 (R.C.A.F.) Squadron sent 9 Mark II Lancasters, 2 of these failed to return including Lancaster DS681 piloted by squadron commander Wing Commander Leslie Crooks. This aircraft took off at 21.32 hours and crashed at 00.55 hours on the 18th August 3km south of Griefswald in Northen Germany, all 6 members off the crew were killed. In total 40 aircraft were lost during the raid amounting to 6.7% of the attacking, the Canadian 6 Group lost 12 out of its 57 aircraft (19.7%).eslie Crooks died at the age of 33 and now rests in a collective grave in Berlin 1939-1945 War Cemetery


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