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#1 – Victorian Crimea Medal to a Recipient in the 8th (Kings Royal Irish) Hussars Who Was Later Discharged Medically Unfit Due to Pulmonary Consumption

#1 – Victorian Crimea Medal to a Recipient in the 8th (Kings Royal Irish) Hussars Who Was Later Discharged Medically Unfit Due to Pulmonary Consumption

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Victorian Crimea Medal to a Recipient in the 8th (Kings Royal Irish) Hussars Who Was Later Discharged Medically Unfit Due to Pulmonary Consumption, Crimea Medal 1854-56 with clasp Sebastopol, engraved naming, ‘JOHN CHANDLER 8TH HUSSARS’ 22-year-old John Chandler from Naunton, Gloucestershire enlisted for the 8th Hussars in Cirencester on 9th May 1854 with Regimental number 1307. He served with the Regiment for a total of 8 years and 176 days which included 1 year in the Crimea and 4 years and 10 months in the East Indies after which he was discharged on 23rd June 1863 as medically unfit for further service due to advanced phthisis which ‘rendered him utterly helpless’. He is confirmed on the medal roll of the 8th Hussars for the Crimea medal and clasp and is also entitled to a Turkish Crimea medal and the Indian Mutiny medal.


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