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#902 – WW2 Battlefield Pickup Battle Damaged Japanese Officers Sword Katana

#902 – WW2 Battlefield Pickup Battle Damaged Japanese Officers Sword Katana

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WW2 Battlefield Pickup Battle Damaged Japanese Officers Sword Katana, a poignant relic from the war in the far east during WW2. This standard Japanese officers sword has been struck by a high explosive or machine gun fire, causing damage to the brass tsuba and multiple splits along the length of the field green painted metal scabbard. The sword has the original brown cloth wrapping and the menuki and fuchi both have a thick Verdigris. The damaged has caused the sword to be stuck into the scabbard and it can not be removed. A super battlefield pick up. his sword is from a deceased estate collection, however the family were informed by the previous owner that the sword was purchased in the United States of America and was originally purchased from a veteran of the combat on Saipan and brought home as a souvenir, sadly no documented evidence to support this claim.


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