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#30 – A Pair of Great War Memorial Plaques to the Pendlebury Brothers from Astley, Manchester

#30 – A Pair of Great War Memorial Plaques to the Pendlebury Brothers from Astley, Manchester

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A Pair of Great War Memorial Plaques to the Pendlebury Brothers from Astley, Manchester, 2 Bronze Memorial Plaques, awarded to ‘HARRY PENDLEBURY’ and ‘THOMAS PENDLEBURY’. 16226 Private Thomas Pendlebury, 6th South Lancashire Regiment who died of illness whilst at home on 28th December 1915. Thomas Pendlebury attested on 20th December 1914 and served for 55 days with the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force before returning home on 19th September 1915. He is buried in Leigh Cemetery.30327 Private Harry Pendlebury, 4th Kings (Liverpool) Regiment who died of wounds on 19th April 1918 and is buried in Haringhe (Bandaghem) Military Cemetery, Belgium.Thomas Pendlebury is the older (by 1 year) brother of Harry, and both are the sons of Thomas and Sarah Pendlebury of 122 Higher Green, Astley, Manchester.


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