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Отображение 977–992 из 5582

  • #123 – Rare Soviet Russian Porcelain Propaganda Plate by Rudolf Feodorovich Vilde (Лот: 5120)

    Rare Soviet Russian Porcelain Propaganda Plate by Rudolf Feodorovich Vilde, plate depicting a Bolshevik worker heroically coming to rescue the Volga region’s populace from starvation, personified as the Grim Reaper carrying off a bundle of wheat. Gilt decoration around the edge of the plate. Generally good condition. As a result of the First World War and the Russian Civil Wars which followed, the production of grain fell drastically, leading to widespread food shortages. The famine, which killed an estimated 6 million Russians, was most devastating in the Volga and Ural regions. In 1921, Lenin initiated reforms to food distribution and consumption under the New Economic Policy in an effort to curtail the devastating effects of the famine. Vilde and his comrades at the State Porcelain Factory painted ceramics to raise funds to aid in the relief effort.Vilde’s career began in 1905 as a ceramics painter at the Imperial Porcelain Factory where a year later he became head of the workshop. In this position until 1930, Vilde was part of the factory’s revolutionary transformation from producing wares exclusively for the Tzar and his court to repurposing the many imperial blanks for propagandistic ends as part of the new mandate for the State Porcelain Factory, rechristened after the Russian Revolution of 1917. Under the leadership of Sergi Chekhonin, artistic director from 1918–1923, a nationalistic yet stylistically diverse visual program was incorporated into the decoration of simple utilitarian objects, such as plates, bowls, and small tea sets. The wares ranged in style from the avant-garde abstraction of Kazimir Malevich’s Suprematism, to the folk-derived social realism of Vilde’s example here. It was this later style that eventually triumphed as the prevailing Stalinist aesthetic.

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    GERMAN WWII CAVALRY REGMENT SWORD HANGER, a quality brown leather, 7′ tall w/ a metal top loop, reverse is mkd. ‘A. Doppert Kitzingen 11/39’, is exc.

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  • #123 – Hampshire Cyclist Battalion Badges (Лот: 6026)

    Hampshire Cyclist Battalion Badges, including other ranks cap badges and a pair of brass other ranks collar badges. (6 items) Late Rod Flood collection

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  • #123 – WW2 German Kriegsmarine Officers Dress Dagger Attributed to Wilhem Böttcher, Believed to have Served on German U-Boats (Лот: 7312)

    WW2 German Kriegsmarine Officers Dress Dagger Attributed to Wilhem Böttcher, Believed to have Served on German U-Boats, good example of an Imperial conversion piece, having Third Reich eagle pommel top, white celluloid grips with the wire binding and brass cross guard with press stud release button. Attached to the grip is a fine golden wire officers dress portepee / knot. Housed in a polished hammered scabbard with the two hanging rings being pushed into rectangles. Polished plain Imperial type dirk blade with the owners name engraved to the forte ‘Wilhem Böttcher’. Blade 21cms, overall 42cms. Some cracks to the celluloid grip, exterior shows some wear. Vendors family state that the dagger was sold as belonging to an officer who served in the U-Boat service, however we can not find any evidence of this.

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  • #123 – 4 HEER PHOTOS & 18 HEER PHOT POSTCARDS (Лот: 7476)

    4 HEER PHOTOS & 18 HEER PHOT POSTCARDS, all in uniform w/ visor, G. – EXC.

    Аукцион завершен
    Минимальная цена продажи 80 $ не достигнута
  • #123 – WW2 1945 Bomber Command Distinguished Flying Medal Group of 5 to a Mid-Upper Gunner in a 12 Squadron Lancaster Bomber, Who Flew at least 29 Operational Sorties and was Credited with Destroying 1 Enemy Aircraft and Damaging at least 1 Other (Лот: 8715)

    WW2 1945 Bomber Command Distinguished Flying Medal Group of 5 to a Mid-Upper Gunner in a 12 Squadron Lancaster Bomber, Who Flew at least 29 Operational Sorties and was Credited with Destroying 1 Enemy Aircraft and Damaging at least 1 Other, Distinguished Flying medal, GVIR 1st type, officially engraved naming, ‘2219060 F/SGT. A.J. BATE R.A.F.’, 1939-45 Star medal, France & Germany Star medal, Defence medal and War medal 1939 – 45, the last 4 all privately engraved ‘F/SGT A J BATE DFM, 12 SQDN, 1 GP, BMR CMMD’. Group display mounted.ondon Gazette, 17th July 1945, The KING has been graciously pleased to approve the following awards: — Distinguished Flying Medal, 2219060 Arthur James BATE, R.A.F.V.R., 12 Sqnecommendation – Flight Sergeant Bate is the mid-upper gunner of a Lancaster bomber and has flown 29 successful sorties against the enemy. Many of these attacks have been against deep penetration targets such as Munich, Nuremberg, Dresden and Chemnitz. This gunner’s air discipline has at all times been beyond reproach and his coolness and fighting spirit has inspired the highest standard of morale in his crew. On the night of the 2/3 January 1945, while returning from an attack on Nuremberg, our aircraft was illuminated by fighter flares and a Ju.88 was sighted by Flight Sergeant Bate attacking in the starboard quarter down. Flight Sergeant Bate immediately requested the correct evasive action to be taken and accurate fire, obtained numerous strikes on the enemy fighter which was last seen diving steeply away to starboard. Previously on the same night, this N.C.O. was concerned in a successful combat with an Me.109 when he materially assisted his rear gunner with the destruction of this aircraft. On several other occasions, Flight Sergeant Bate has, by his aggressive spirit, assisted in driving off impeding attacks by enemy fighters. The courage and skill of this N.C.O. is of the highest order and I have no hesitation in recommending him for the award of the Distinguished Flying Medal.emarks by Station Commander: Flight Sergeant Bate, as mid-upper gunner, has displayed a magnificent fighting spirit in action. His immediate recognition of danger, his superb handling of his guns and his good directions to his captain in combat have inspired his crew with the utmost confidence and made him an indispensable member. I strongly recommend that the fine fighting spirit and proved ability shown by this N.C.O. be rewarded by the award of the Distinguished Flying Medal.’rthur James Bate flew his operational service as an Air Gunner in Lancaster bombers with 12 Squadron flying at least 29 sorties between September 1944 and March 1945 his targets including: Frankfurt, Calais (2), Neuss, West Kappelle Seawall, Wilhelmshaven, Stuttgart, Essen, Bonn (2), Cologne (3), Dusseldorf, Gelsenkirchen, Wanne Eickel, Schaffenburg, Dortmund (2), Nuremberg (2), Royan, Munich, Vattegort, Cleve, Dresden, Chemnitz, Duisberg, Pforzheim, Mannheim and Misburg.

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  • #124 – Victorian Hampshire Regiment Officers Pagri Badge (Лот: 1579)

    Victorian Hampshire Regiment Officers Pagri Badge, un-marked silver example with Guelphic Victorian crown above stylised H R and Hampshire rose. Broad pin and catch fixing to the reverse. Ex The Late Rod Flood Collection.

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  • #124 – Army Service Corps Volunteers Other Ranks Helmet Plate (Лот: 3344)

    Army Service Corps Volunteers Other Ranks Helmet Plate, white metal other ranks kings crown helmet plate with the centre having motto and voided script ‘ASC’ to the centre. Three lug fittings to the reverse. Late Rod Flood collection

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  • #124 – Soviet Russian Painted Enamel Plaque Early 20th Century (Лот: 5121)

    Soviet Russian Painted Enamel Plaque Early 20th Century, showing 13 men scrambling to access a bin (Napek), signed to the lower corner with indistinct date. Removed from a wall with heavy wear. 27 x 20cms approx.

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  • #124 – GERMAN WWII k-98 COMBAT BAYONET (Лот: 5455)

    GERMAN WWII k-98 COMBAT BAYONET, matching example, ricasso is mkd. ‘CARL EICKHORN’ on 1 side on the other is ‘8240 S’, the blade bluing is very nice but has been thinly sharpened which looks ok, the spine of the blade is marked ’38’, complete w/ a nice black leather frog maker mkd. & dated 1941, scabbard has a few areas of lite rust, overall low exc.

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  • #124 – Rare Victorian 2nd Royal Guernsey Militia Officers Home Service Helmet Plate (Лот: 6027)

    Rare Victorian 2nd Royal Guernsey Militia Officers Home Service Helmet Plate, gilt metal officers universal pattern helmet plate with the additional scrolls and centre with coat of arms and strung bugle below with number ‘2’ to the centre. Three part regimental scroll to the lower section. Two of the three lug fittings to the reverse of the plate. Late Rod Flood collection

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  • #124 – Rare WW2 German Deluxe Pattern Kriegsmarine Officers Dress Dagger by WKC (Лот: 7313)

    Rare WW2 German Deluxe Pattern Kriegsmarine Officers Dress Dagger by WKC, superb example of the very rare deluxe model naval officers dagger with deep orange celluloid grip with the original wire binding. Gilt metal eagle pommel top and cross guard. Complete with its original dress portepee / knot in light golden wire with silver fleck. Dagger is complete with the deluxe hand chassed and hammered scabbard. Fine condition double edged blade with the standard etched decoration and makers trademark to the base. The blade measures 25cms, overall 40 ¾ cms. These deluxe pattern scabbards were special order by the particular naval officer from WKC and you can find various types of these, see ‘Exploring the Dress Daggers of the German Navy’ by Thomas T Wittmann pages 371-376 for more information about these specially produced / purchased daggers.

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    4 HEER PHOTO POSTCARDS & ALL ARE WEARING A BLACK PANZER WRAPPER, they also have on their black M-43 caps, their skull collar tabs are clearly visible, VG. – EXC.

    Аукцион завершен
    Минимальная цена продажи 150 $ не достигнута
  • #124 – Rare and Historically Important WW2 Special Forces (Special Allied Airborne Reconnaissance Force) Operation Violet Military Medal Grouping Awarded to Sergeant Phillip Potter US Army O.S.S (Лот: 8716)

    Rare and Historically Important WW2 Special Forces (Special Allied Airborne Reconnaissance Force) Operation Violet Military Medal Grouping Awarded to Sergeant Phillip Potter US Army O.S.S, George VI Military Medal (M.M) on ribbon with brooch pin, awarded to ‘SJT. P. B. K. POTTER. U.S. ARMY.’ Medal is also accompanied by a grouping of his original cloth insignia, which includes his very rare embroidered special forces (S.F) wing, 2x British airborne parachute qualification wings, parachute qualified ‘light bulb’ sleeve patch, sterling silver US army issue jump wings with pin back fitting and red on khaki ‘AMERICAN FIELD SERVICE’ shoulder title, plus other items of cloth insignia. Also with the grouping is a historically interesting original snapshot photograph album compiled by Sergeant Potter and assuming his brother Alan Potter during WW2. The album begins with images in 1943 when he first joined the services and then moves into basic training before quickly moving him into service in North Africa (Libya), then onto Italy before being moved to France, near Limoges, in summer (August 1944). Album has some excellent images from his time near Limoges, including a bridge blown up with the annotation below, ‘Bridge Blown by Creuse Maquis and Allied Agents’. Excellent large image of him and men from his unit wearing the Special Forces wings above British jump wings, stated ‘Before operations against Jerry in Chateauroux. Summer 1944 American Parachutists’. Image of a castle city of Carcassonne, where he states he met with allied agents. Images of battle damage German weapons, German officer POW’s and a large format image of ‘Allied Agents at ceremony of presentation of Croix de Guerre’. Album then has some pictures from Italy campaign at the same time, Summer 1944, these would appear to be taken by his brother Alan. Then more images in France, before moving back to London before Philip’s posting to the Far East in 1945. Album ends with images in Burma taken by Philip Potter and then a page taken by his brother, still in Italy, with images of Cassino (Monte Cassino). The album is well annotated and many of the images are extremely clear and interesting. Overall a superb grouping including a gallantry medal to a member of a very small Allied Special Forces unit. he recommendation for his Military Medal was by Brigadier J S Nichols D.S.O MC Commander SAARF, ‘HQ and HQ Det OSS, US ARMY Attached SAARF – 11121960 Sgt Philip B K POTTER. Sgt POTTER was the W/T Operator in Captain WARFIELD’s Team, one of the six Recce teams operating under my direct command which were dropped by parachute on the night 25/26 April 1945 near ALTENGRABOW P W CAMP Twenty miles EAST of MADGEBURG and fifteen miles behind the enemy lines. This team was dropped on a belt of trees in an area occupied by a German Division and fifteen miles away from the correct DZ. Sgt Potter recovered his W/T equipment and immediately got into communication with this Headquarters – although in imminent danger of capture by the enemy parties searching the area. Together with his team he then moved twenty miles through German Formations to the original target. During the whole of this time and in spite of the great danger and extreme hardships caused by lack of food, rain and cold, Sgt POTTER maintained his communications with complete success and transmitted valuable information. He also took considerable risks in recharging his batteries by a hand generator whilst surrounded by German Troops. I consider this NCO’s conduct outstanding.’ he Special Allied Airborne Reconnaissance Force (SAARF) was set up by the Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force (SHAEF) in February 1945. They were tasked with being dropped behind enemy lines near prisoner of war camps and slave labour camps to report on the conditions and to prevent atrocities being carried out by the retreating German forces etc. Other duties would involve the hunting down of possibly war criminals. The unit was only involved in one Airborne drop before the unit was disbanded. The unit consisted of just 96 Americans, these mostly came from the US equivalent of the SOE, the OSS (Office of Strategic Services) and members of the allied airborne divisions. peration Violet, on 25th April 1945, was the code name for the SAARF operation to drop 6 multi-national teams at three different drop zones, to reach the German Prisoner of War camp XI A, near the village of Altengrabow. At the time the camp held some 60,000 allied prisoners of war. The six 3 person teams were to be parachute in, close to Altengrabow behind the German lines, drop 1 was a British team ‘Erasure’, commanded by SOE veteran Major Phillip Worrall and French team ‘Briefcase’ commanded by Pierre Cambon. Drop zone 2 was British team ‘Pennib’ under Major Forshall and US team ‘Cashbox’ under Captain Brown. The final drop zone, drop zone 3 was US team ‘Pencil’ led by Captain Warfield and French team ‘Sealingwax’. Sergeant Potter, was serving in the US team Pencil, as the wireless operator under Captain Warfield. ach drop zone was allotted one RAF transport aircraft to carry the two teams. The teams left from RAF Airfield Great Dunmow, Essex. The operation did not go smoothly to begin with, as the teams missed the drop zones and the heavy presence of German forces in the area resulted with many of the teams being captured, including the British team ‘Erasure’ and resulted in the men being sent to the prisoner of war camp they were sent to observe, Stalag XI A. British officer Major Worrall requested an interview with camp commandant, Oberst Ochemal. Major Worrall explained the mission of SAARF, and with the war looking like it was lost and the Soviet Russians fast approaching, the camp commander eventually cooperated and allowed the SAARF teams to set up communications with SHAEF. On 3rd May 1945, Major General Robert Macon, US army, sent a convoy of trucks into liberate the allied prisoners of war and transport them west, along with the captured German commander and his men. US trucks were sent in with aid and rations. Due to the time taken from the initial landing on the 25th April, for a deal to be done between German commander and US forces, the Soviet army had advanced and they arrived at the camp on 4th May 1945. The area of the camp had been decided, would be in the Soviet controlled zone, so they tried to force authority in the situation, only allowing POW’s from certain nations to be evacuated, they blocked Polish and Italian prisoners from leaving. On 5th May, Major Worrell was told by the soviet commander he only had two hours for his SAARF team to pack up their equipment and leave the camp and return to western allied lines. The tensions between the western allies and the Soviet command was starting to show as the war drew to its close.

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  • #125 – Unusual Victorian Hampshire Regiment Indian Mess Waiters Waist Belt Clasp (Лот: 1580)

    Unusual Victorian Hampshire Regiment Indian Mess Waiters Waist Belt Clasp, being a locally made un-marked silver clasp with stylised HR over Hampshire rose with ‘XXXVII REGT’ within three part scroll. Fittings to the rear. Ex The Late Rod Flood Collection

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  • #125 – Victorian 1st Volunteer Battalion Hampshire Regiment Officers Home Service Helmet Plate (Лот: 3345)

    Victorian 1st Volunteer Battalion Hampshire Regiment Officers Home Service Helmet Plate, white metal eight pointed star universal backing plate with Victorian crown replacing top point, laurel spray with garter strap enclosing silvered Hampshire tiger within brass laurel wreath on black velvet backing. Three part lower gilt scrolls with regimental details and scroll with battalion details. Three lug fittings to the reverse of the plate. Late Rod Flood collection

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