WW2 USMC Marine Raiders Commando Knife, good as found combat used USMC raiders stiletto bladed commando knife, one piece chequered grip and plain oval cross guard. Housed in the original special pattern leather scabbard with belt loop and metal clip. Used blade measuring 16 ½ cms, overall 34cms.
WW2 American Legitimus Collins & Co Jungle Warfare Machete, with two piece grips, housed in laced leather scabbard with the original wrist strap. Blade with makers details. Some pitting to the blade. 66 ½ cms, overall 80cms.
WW2 American V-44 Fighting Knife, two piece grip with an unusual coloured cloth bound grip. Brass cross guard. Housed in a black leather variant scabbard with belt loop and securing strap. Well worn clipped blade, measuring 23 ½ cms, overall 36 ½ cms.
American Air Force Pilots Survival Knife by Camillus New York, issued in February 1976, with the sharpening stone in the scabbard, leather grip, knife blade measuring 12 ½ cms, overall 24 ½ cms. x Peter White collection
Swiss Army Officers Dress Dagger, polished chrome pommel and cross guard. Wooden grips with three securing rivets. Housed in blackened steel scabbard with leather hanging strap. Officers portepee attached to grip. Polished blade with ‘ELSENER SCHWYZ VICTORIA’ to forte and numbered ‘215943’. Blade 21cms, overall 36 ½ cms.x Peter White collection