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Отображение 33–48 из 373

  • #9 – Edward VII Volunteer Long Service Medal to the Hampshire Royal Garrison Artillery Volunteers (Лот: 1466)

    Edward VII Volunteer Long Service Medal to the Hampshire Royal Garrison Artillery Volunteers, EVII issue, impressed naming ‘3383 GNR: W. HANNAM. 2 HANTS: R.G.A.V.’ Medal confirmed in Army Order 1st January 1909. Late Rod Flood collection

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  • #9 – An Interesting Hazara Campaign India General Service Medal to a Soldier in the Northumberland Fusiliers Who Was Reduced in Rank Twice (Лот: 3229)

    An Interesting Hazara Campaign India General Service Medal to a Soldier in the Northumberland Fusiliers Who Was Reduced in Rank Twice, India General Service medal with clasp Hazara 1888, engraved naming,’1155 PTE J POWER 2ND BN NORTH’D FUS’ some scratches to the Regiment. James Power from St. Marys, near Dover attested for service on 13th June 1877 aged 17 years. He served for 12 years and 164 days, of which he spent 9 years and 326 days in India. Promoted to Sergeant on 1st January 1880, he was reduced to Corporal on 26th November following a Court Martial for neglect of duty. A note on his service records advises he was reduced to Private at his own request in November 1887 in order to avoid another trial by Court Martial. James Power was discharged on 23rd November 1889. Medal and clasp are confirmed on the roll for the 2nd Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers.

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  • #9 – Indian Mutiny Medal to the 61st (South Gloucestershire) Regiment for the Capture of Delhi (Лот: 5912)

    Indian Mutiny Medal to the 61st (South Gloucestershire) Regiment for the Capture of Delhi, medal with clasp Dehli, impressed naming, ‘W GREER. 61ST REGT’. Good example. William Greer, medal and clasp confirmed on the roll to the 61st Regiment with the comment ‘Died 11 June 1858’. Please note that transcribed copies of the medal roll have him listed as William Green but he is shown as Greer of the original copy of the roll.

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  • #9 – Naval General Service Medal 1793-1840 for the Battle of Navarino (Лот: 8602)

    Naval General Service Medal 1793-1840 for the Battle of Navarino, with one clasp Navarino, ‘Peter Musgrove’, medal has been broached at some point and has been reinstated with a copy clasp. eter Musgrove from Deeping, Lincolnshire was born c.1802 and commenced his Service with the Royal Navy on H.M.S Medina on 7th August 1826. He joined H.M.S. Musquito as an Able Seaman on 31st July 1827 and was present when the Turkish-Egyptian was defeated at Navario on 20th October 1827. Musquito suffered 2 dead and 4 wounded during the battle. He left Musquito on 20th October 1830 and joined Actaeon in December of the same year. Musgrove transferred to the Coastguard service on 6th October 1934 and was discharged on 23rd December 1856 having completed 32 years and 30 days service.

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  • #10 – An Interesting Great War Medical Services 1914 Star Medal Group of Four Including a Greek Order of the Redeemer to an Officer who Post War, Went on to Become the Coroner of the Eastern District of London (Лот: 1467)

    An Interesting Great War Medical Services 1914 Star Medal Group of Four Including a Greek Order of the Redeemer to an Officer who Post War, Went on to Become the Coroner of the Eastern District of London, 1914 Star medal, ‘W.R.H. HEDDY B.R.C.S. & O.ST.J.J.’, British War and Victory medals with M.I.D. emblem on the ribbon of the Victory medal, ‘CAPT. W.R.H. HEDDY’, Kingdom of Greece, Order of the Redeemer, 2nd type, Knight’s breast badge in Pomonis, Athens fitted case of issue. Accompanied by mounted group of miniature medals consisting, 1914 star with August-November clasp, British War and Victory medals with M.I.D. emblem, Greek Order of the Redeemer and the Greek medal for the Greco-Turkish War of 1912-13.Mentioned in Despatches, London Gazette 10th July 1919.We have not been able to confirm the award of the Order of the Redeemer in the London Gazette, but this is not unusual. William Reginald Huleatt Heddy was born in London on 30th December 1890, his father William Senior being a surgical physician. William followed in his fathers’ footsteps attending Dover College in 1906and in 1908 he entered Middlesex Hospital to study medicine becoming an anaesthetist in 1911. In January 1914 he received his medical diploma of L.R.C.P. and a month later gained his surgical diploma of M.R.C.S.On the outbreak of war in August 1914 William served as a Medical Officer with the British Red Cross in the Lille Mobile Unit landing in France ion 25th October 1914. Commissioned into the Royal Army Medical Corps in July 1915 with the 1st London (City of London) Field Ambulance, he was promoted to Captain in January 1916. In 1918 he wrote an article for the journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps entitled ‘Anaesthetics in the Field’ based on his war time experiences. He resigned his Commission in July 1920 and went on to serve as a coroner. On 25th January 1934 he was appointed Assistant Deputy Coroner, in 1938 he was Deputy Coroner for St. Pancras and 2 years later he was appointed Coroner of the Eastern District of London. In this roll he was present at the autopsy of Josef Jakobs, a German spy who has the dubious honour of being the last person to be executed in the Tower of London.William retired in March 1956 and died in March 1972 in Ealing, London.It is interesting to note that his son, Brian Huleatt Heddy, born in 1916, served in the SOE during the Second World War and at one point was the Consul for the States of Colorado, Wyoming and Utah.

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  • #10 – An Interesting Three Clasp India General Service Medal to the Hampshire Regiment for the Burma Campaigns (Лот: 3230)

    An Interesting Three Clasp India General Service Medal to the Hampshire Regiment for the Burma Campaigns, India General Service medal 1854-95 with clasps Burma 1889-92, Burma 1887-89 and Burma 1885-7, engraved naming, ‘661 PTE. A DUKE 1ST BN HAMPS R.’ Good example. 19 year old Alfred Duke from Cranford, Bournemouth, attested for service with the 1st Battalion Hampshire Regiment at Winchester on 20th January 1883. He served for a total of 13 years 212 days before being discharged on 18th August 1896. Her served in India from January 1886 until November 1888 and in Burma from November 1888 until January 1891, he transferred to the Scottish Rifles with service number. He reattested for War Service on 28th January 1915 but appears to have ‘miscalculated’ his age stating he was 44 when he was actually 51. He was discharged as unfit for military service after 133 days service. He appears on the rolls for the medal with the clasps Burma 1189-92 and 1887-89 but we have been unable to confirm the Burma 1885-7 clasp. Late Rod Flood collection

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  • #10 – A Poignant Indian Mutiny Medal to the 2nd in Command of the 19th Regiment N.I. Who Committed Suicide Under a Fit of Temporary Insanity (Лот: 5913)

    A Poignant Indian Mutiny Medal to the 2nd in Command of the 19th Regiment N.I. Who Committed Suicide Under a Fit of Temporary Insanity, medal with clasp Central India, impressed naming, ‘BT MAJOR W.E. MCPHERSON’. Walter Edward McPherson was born on the Isle of Wight on 21st October 1825, the son of Captain Philip McPherson of H.M.’s 46th and 17th Regiments. He was admitted as a Cadet in the Bombay Army at Poona India in 1841. Attached to the 5th Native Infantry in February 1842 he qualified as an interpreter in Hindustani in February the following year. Promoted Captain on 18th April 1854 and he served with the 24th Native Infantry during the Mutiny. Promoted to Major on 11th December 1861 and he committed suicide at Baroda on 2nd December 1864 in a fit of temporary insanity.Sold with some research.

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  • #10 – Naval General Service Medal Pair to an Officer for the Attack on Acre, Syria in 1840 (Лот: 8603)

    Naval General Service Medal Pair to an Officer for the Attack on Acre, Syria in 1840, Naval General Service medal 1793-1840, with clasp Syria, engraved naming, ‘JOHN COCHRANE HOSEASON LIEUT’ with St. Jean D’Acre medal 1840, silver fitter with Crimea type of suspension, unnamed as issued. ohn Cochrane Hoseason is confirmed on the roll for the N.G.S. with Syria clasp and for the silver St. Jean D’Acre. There are no signs of renaming on the N.G.S. and the style of engraving is typical of the period of issue but normally this medal is issued with impressed naming. orn on 28th August 1809 he entered the Navy on 20th July 1823, passed his examination in 1829 and obtained his first commission on 10th January 1837 on Rover. He was present on Cambridge for the operations in Syria. Promoted to Commander on 6th September 1844 he was in command of Inflexible 11th June 1846 until 28th September 1849. He retired 9th July 1864. John Cochrane Hoseason died in Dover on 26th June 1884.

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  • #11 – Indian Mutiny Medal to the 37th (North Hampshire) Regiment, (Лот: 3231)

    Indian Mutiny Medal to the 37th (North Hampshire) Regiment, medal without clasp, impressed naming,’ S. SERJEANT, 37TH REGT’. Confirmed on the roll for a medal without clasp. Late Rod Flood collection

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  • #11 – Victorian New Zealand War Medal to an Officer in the Second Waikato Regiment (Лот: 5914)

    Victorian New Zealand War Medal to an Officer in the Second Waikato Regiment, New Zealand 1845-66, reverse undated, engraved naming, ‘LIEUT R.J. COULTER 2D WAIKATO R.’, the centre of the reverse of the medal neatly engraved ‘FLYING COLUMN 1863-1866’. Complete with ribbon.

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  • #11 – China War Medal 1842 Royal Marines (Лот: 8604)

    China War Medal 1842 Royal Marines, with impressed naming ‘**CHARLES POTTER, ROYAL MARINES **’ with period replacement bar suspension and Victorian pin back ribbon bar. harles Potter is present on the medal roll of HMS Blenheim as a Private 3rd Class.

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  • #12 – A Good Great War Western Front Military Medal and Second Award Bar Group of Four to the Kings Royal Rifle Corps (Лот: 1469)

    A Good Great War Western Front Military Medal and Second Award Bar Group of Four to the Kings Royal Rifle Corps, Military medal, GV, with second award bar,’10883 CPL. T.J. MUNDY 1/K.R.RIF: C.’, 1914 Star medal with original August-November clasp, ‘10883PTE. T.J. MUNDAY 2/K.R.RIF: C.’, British War and Victory medals, ‘10883 CPL. T.J. MUNDAY K.R.RIF. C.’ Note differences in spelling of surname. With some original documents, including 3rd Class Army Council Certificate of Education, 29th October 1913, Slough branch of The Old Contemptibles Association membership documents (x2), 2nd Divisional gallantry cards (x2) dated 1918 with what appears to be the citations for the Military medal and bar (these in poor condition with considerable edge loss and tearing), ‘on his gallantry on 23rd March 1918 in bringing in wounded under heavy artillery, machine gun and rifle fire’ and ‘On his dash and fearlessness in a raid on the enemy outpost line near Ayette on August 14th, 1918’. Character Certificate, 10th February 1920, Discharge Certificate, 12th January 1929, Original studio photograph of the recipient and an Army friend with a ‘touched up’ enlarged modern copy of the same photograph.Military medal, London Gazette 16th July 1918 – 10883 Cpl. T. J. Mundy, K.R.R.C. (Middlesex)Bar to the Military medal, London Gazette 11th February 1919 – 10883 Cpl. T. J. Munday, M.M., 1st Bn., K.R.R.C. (Wandsworth, S.W.)Born in 1894, Thomas Jackson Munday enlisted into the King Royal Rifle Corps on 13th January 1913, he served in France from 13th August 1914, the issue of the clasp for the 1914 star is confirmed on his Medal Index Card. He was discharged on 12th January 1929 and his Discharge Certificate indicates that he attested for the Royal Air Force in November 1942.164 Military medals and 16 first bars were awarded to the 1st Kings Royal Rifle Corps during the Great War.

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  • #12 – Indian Mutiny Medal to the Rifle Brigade (Лот: 3232)

    Indian Mutiny Medal to the Rifle Brigade, medal without clasp, impressed naming, ‘J. CHANDLER, 2ND BN. RIFLE BDE’. With ribbon buckle on ribbon but rear pin is missing. John Chandler is confirmed on the roll for the issue of a medal without clasp.

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  • #12 – Zulu War Medal to the Royal Artillery Awarded to a Gunner Who was Mentioned for Gallant Service at the Siege of Potchefstroom During the First Boer War (Лот: 5915)

    Zulu War Medal to the Royal Artillery Awarded to a Gunner Who was Mentioned for Gallant Service at the Siege of Potchefstroom During the First Boer War, South Africa medal 1877-79 with clasp 1879, engraved naming, ‘4747 GUNR W LUCKMAN 5TH BDE R.A.’ medal nicely toned. 20 year old William Luckman from Nechells Green, Birmingham attested for the Royal Artillery at Woolwich on 10th August 1875. Clearly a ‘character’ he was tried and imprisoned between May and August 1876 for an unspecified reason. He deserted in Newport on 8th June 1878 rejoining his unit on 30th September 1878 and was once again imprisoned from October to December 1878. He again deserted, this time at Potchefstroom, South Africa, on 29th November 1880 rejoining his unit the following day. Once again, he was imprisoned, this time only for 5 days with his former service being forfeited. He was later recommended for the restoration of his forfeited service ‘for gallant service in the field’, his service record recording ‘mentioned for gallant service at the siege of Potchefstroom’. He married on 23rd March 1885 at St Giles, Colchester, Essex. William Luckman died of pneumonia on 9th March 1893 at Weedon.

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  • #12 – Punjab 1848-49 Medal to an Officer in the 22nd Native Infantry (Лот: 8605)

    Punjab 1848-49 Medal to an Officer in the 22nd Native Infantry, medal with no clasp, engraved in running script, ‘LIEUTENANT C.J. FOWLES 22ND REGT N.I.’ medal with original titled cardboard box of issue. Box is flattened with some damage.

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