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Отображение 1–16 из 28

  • #213 – 6x Early Victorian British Tintype Photographs c1860-80 (Лот: 6116)

    6x Early Victorian British Tintype Photographs c1860-80, showing various British troops in various forms of regimental uniform, including two rifle volunteers wearing home service helmets. Accompanied by two civilian daguerreotypes of a similar period. (8 items)

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  • #214 – 12x The Inglis Family Cartes de Visite Photographs of Military Interest (Лот: 6117)

    12x The Inglis Family Cartes de Visite Photographs of Military Interest, including General Sir John, Charles D. RN, Capt. Inglis, Henry Langton Tollemache Inglis (Lieut. RMLI, fell at the Peiho, China, June 1859), Tom MacKenzie RN, Henry Fairfax RN, Charlie Beresford RN, Lawence Ching RN. Good condition. (12 items)

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  • #215 – 10x Victorian British Cartes de Visite Photographs (Лот: 6118)

    10x Victorian British Cartes de Visite Photographs, including a fine early hussar, several NCOs, an officer with shako, a RMLI officer beside his pill box cap. Three Canadian military CdVs. (13 items)

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  • #216 – American Civil War Tintype Photograph (Лот: 6119)

    American Civil War Tintype Photograph, (8 x 10.5 cm.) of two soldiers, hand tinted. The soldier on the right has a grey/blue tinted jacket, red tinted neck kerchief or collar and has an injured or deformed hand. Good clear condition, wrapped in its oval frame; Tintype of an American soldier/cadet with white cross-belts and gaiters and a group photograph. (3 items)

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  • #217 – American Civil War Sailor Ambrotype Photograph (Лот: 6120)

    American Civil War Sailor Ambrotype Photograph, of a sailor wearing an American Civil War period Union uniform with a cap tally (reversed in the photograph) partly reading ‘GEORGE’ or ‘FORGE’. Image measures 50 x 62 mm. in its case. Good condition, case edges scuffed.

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  • #218 – Historically Interesting Record of the Black Mountain Expedition 1891 (Лот: 6121)

    Historically Interesting Record of the Black Mountain Expedition 1891, the hand-written detailed diary of the movements and action of Pte (Drummer) William Coxall, 1st Battn. Royal Welsh Fusiliers, from 25th February to 10th July 1891. This expedition by British and Indian troops was to subdue tribal uprisings along the Indus River on the North West Frontier. Consists of His Pay Book, Discharge Certificates, references, Seaman’s Book (Steward and Bugler on ‘SS. Saxonia’ 1912-1914), two A4-size photos of the RWF and other documents. (27 items) Worthy on personal viewing.

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  • #219 – ‘The Day of the Great Battle’ Important First Day of The Somme Diary of Lieutenant Ernest Pearson, 11th Notts & Derby Regiment (Лот: 6122)

    ‘The Day of the Great Battle’ Important First Day of The Somme Diary of Lieutenant Ernest Pearson, 11th Notts & Derby Regiment, A5-sized Army Book 136, with his name written to the cover. The book has been used as a diary and is full of first-hand legible notes from 16th June to 27th July 1916. The early part of the diary describes the preparations for the 70th Brigade’s attack on The Nab salient, comprising the 8th Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, 8th Yorkshire and Lancashire, 9th Yorks and Lancs, 11th Sherwood Foresters, the 70th MG Company and the 70th Light Mortar Batt. Extract, ‘Each soldier to carry 220 rounds ammunition. Troops are forbidden to stop to collect souvenirs’. At the back of the book is a poignant roll call of the strength of the battalions before and after 1st July 1916. The entry for the 1st day of the Somme ‘July 1st ‘6.30am The Day of The Great Battle. Probably one of the greatest in history. The roar of the guns is incessant’ and ‘7.30 attack commences; 7.35 Infantry over Bosche front line.’. ‘…can see 16th HLI shooting Germans in the trenches’. ‘9.05, 9th Y&L in 3rd line, 8th KOYLI report enemy are on the run’. ‘10.05, No progress, both Brigades held up by machine gun fire’. ‘11.30 Casualties very heavy’. ‘7.30pm, 70th Bde has been cut to pieces’. ‘8th Y&L went into action 22 officers 677 O.R. & came out 65 O.R.’ Pearson was seconded to the 97th and 70th Brigade Headquarters near Authuille Wood that epic day, recounting the preparations, the events of the day and its aftermath. A full typed transcription is included.

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  • #220 – Great War Royal Flying Corps Aerial Reconnaissance Book of Major J T C Moore-Brabazon RFC (Лот: 6123)

    Great War Royal Flying Corps Aerial Reconnaissance Book of Major J T C Moore-Brabazon RFC, hand-made, dated 8 September 1916, prepared by Major J T C Moore-Brabazon, Royal Flying Corps consisting of 68 pages, including c.48 aerial photographs and c.20 title pages, with explanations of views and observations. Measuring 24 x 21cm with its original canvas cover, binding ribbon (frayed) and photo of RFC badge to front. Accompanied by a copy letter from the compiler, the later Lord Brabazon of Tara, dated 25th November 1959 donating his treasured copy (not this one) to the RAF School of Photography, describing the booklet and its compilation. One of only six originals and no copies, this important document is probably unique in private hands.

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  • #221 – Archive of Ephemera of Harry Tennant Brown, Friends Ambulance Unit, Second-in-Command, Section Sanitaire Anglaise No. 13 (Лот: 6124)

    Archive of Ephemera of Harry Tennant Brown, Friends Ambulance Unit, Second-in-Command, Section Sanitaire Anglaise No. 13, including the scarce FAU cap badge (Gaunt, London, numbered ‘2443’), 1917 detailed diary of Orderly WR Jackson (FAU) on Ambulance Train 16 describing bombings, casualties etc, photo of Brown receiving the Croix de Guerre for ‘organising the removal of wounded while being shelled in sight of the enemy for more than 24 hours’, photo of an FAU man, sketches of units, FAU (S.S.A. 13) certificate signed by 33 notable members, FAU photo pendant, magazines, reports and full list of FAU members. The Friends Ambulance Unit was composed of Quakers who served in medical roles mainly with the French forces throughout WWI. (17 items)

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  • #222 – Great War Letter Archive of Colonel W W Melville Canadian Engineers (Лот: 6125)

    Great War Letter Archive of Colonel W W Melville Canadian Engineers, consisting of fifty-four uncensored letters of Col. WW Melville, Canadian Engineers, between September 1914 and September 1915. Mixing in the highest military and political circles his frank comments on officers and those conducting the war are revealing. Extracts include: ’11/Dec/14. Salisbury Plain, Larkhill. I have 2500 men at work erecting steel stables for 17,000 horses’. ‘7/May/15. NE France, Under fire of all kinds for 12 days, the Battle of Ypres was the big thing and such slaughter. Repaired town’s water supply and built 5 large bridges. One night we built 1200 yards of trench within 200 yards of German lines where they had broken through it, it took 2200 men to do it’. ’10/Aug/15, Had dinner with Maj. Genl Sam Hughes, Prince Alexander of Teck and Sir Max Aitken. Sam H. is very sore that we discarded the Ross Rifle; the Canadian Contingent all have new Lee Enfields, the Ross did not stand hard usage’. In generally good condition, torn envelopes; with 15 hand-written pages of abbreviated extracts. Also 19 condolence letters on his son’s death. (73 items) Worthy of personal viewing.

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  • #223 – Possibly Unique and Historically Important WWI Photographic Archive of Jack Turner, Royal Canadian Artillery (Лот: 6126)

    Possibly Unique and Historically Important WWI Photographic Archive of Jack Turner, Royal Canadian Artillery, consisting of approximately 510 original photographs taken illicitly by Corporal B H (Jack) Turner, 2nd Canadian Siege Battery, Royal Canadian Artillery. The photographs portray the unit’s service at the Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Lens, Arras, Canal du Nord, Cambrai, Valenciennes, Mons, Cologne and England. The images cover daily routines, comrades, trenches, guns in action, graves, carnage in the mud, German prisoners and much more. Most of the high quality contact prints (approximately 5.7 cm. square) were processed and printed by candlelight at the Front, and his German camera and equipment were hidden in the gun limbers, he wrote home in code for more film according to his daughter. Four hundred and thirty-three prints are contained in five albums and 73 prints are loose, most have his hand-written descriptions on the reverse. Accompanying the albums are also six large format (c.25 x 27cm.) photographs processed and mounted by him post-War and a large hand-coloured (40 x 47 cm.) photograpgh of four of his comrades; His annotated copy of ‘A History of the Second Canadian Siege Battery, June 1915-May 1919’ by Harold H Simpson with several of his own and official photos added. Jack and his unit were from Prince Edward Island, Canada and after the War, Jack became a farmer returning to photography only in the 1960s when he used a shed as a darkroom for his larger prints. This grouping is probably the best photographic archive we have ever had the pleasure to bring to market, the images capture all the horrors of WW1. Front line photography is extremely rare to find as cameras were restricted in the front lines due to the fear of the horrors of trench warfare getting back home and harming the war effort. This archive is a must for any serious collector, historian or institution

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  • #224 – 1920’s Photograph Album Royal Navy Officer in China and the Far East (Лот: 6127)

    1920’s Photograph Album Royal Navy Officer in China and the Far East, fine album compiled by a Royal Naval officer whilst serving in China and the Far East, with good personal snapshot photographs, many annotated of sites, local people, temples and naval / military scenes. Album begins with images taken in Korea with civilians on the coast, in the fields etc. Then moves to Japan with similar type images and then onto China. Good images of Chinese theatre, cliffs at Wei Hai Wei, civilians working in agriculture, funeral party, temples, etc. Moving away from far east images, many good shots of naval interest and Submarine L2. Good image of Commander Acworth DSC. All housed in a period album. (88 images)

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  • #225 – Historically Interesting Photograph Album Compiled by a Member of the Naval Aviation Station at Kasumigaura, Japan in the 1920’s, with Images from the British RAF Sempill Mission, The British Involvement in Developing Japanese Naval Aviation (Лот: 6128)

    Historically Interesting Photograph Album Compiled by a Member of the Naval Aviation Station at Kasumigaura, Japan in the 1920’s, with Images from the British RAF Sempill Mission, The British Involvement in Developing Japanese Naval Aviation, the album with many good aerial photographs, images of early Japanese military aircraft, inspections, flight crew, etc. Some very interesting images of British naval aviators who were part of the Sempill mission, wearing rare special pattern cap badges. Other good images of RAF personnel with Japanese naval aviators etc. Good image of a RAF officer being presented with a Japanese sword. A very interesting and rare photograph album of aviation interest.

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  • #226 – Grouping of Photograph Albums Detailing the Service of One Man in Palestine and the Middle East with the RAF (Лот: 6129)

    Grouping of Photograph Albums Detailing the Service of One Man in Palestine and the Middle East with the RAF, the collection of five photograph albums compiled by one man give great detail of his service in Palestine and the Middle East in the 1930’s. Many good images of religious sites, indigenous people, crashed aircraft, aircraft, battle damage, Turkish guns etc. Mostly taken in Palestine and Jordan, but some albums also have images taken in Iraq and Egypt etc. All housed in period albums with annotations. (Approximately over 600 images total)

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  • #227 – Oswald Mosley British Union of Fascists (B.U.F) Constitution and Regulation Book (Лот: 6130)

    Oswald Mosley British Union of Fascists (B.U.F) Constitution and Regulation Book, fine hardback original period copy believed to have been removed from the St Pancras District office, the book has ink stamp to the title page ‘THIS BOOK IS THE PROPERTY OF THE BRITISH UNION OF FASCISTS AND NATIONA SOCIALISTS AND IS NOT TO BE REMOVED’. 96pp with gilt tooling to the cover and spine. Accompanied by a fine leather bound and gilt tooled edition of ‘Tomorrow We Live’ by Sir Oswald Mosley with signature of the leader of the organisation to the image of him inside. Good overall condition. (2 items)

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  • #228 – Oswald Mosley British Union of Fascists (B.U.F) Grouping (Лот: 6131)

    Oswald Mosley British Union of Fascists (B.U.F) Grouping, including an original Barclays Bank cheque signed by Mosley, dated 24th April 1950, handwritten note from similar period on his personal note paper; 4x 1930’s period British Union of Fascists publications including Mosley’s ‘Tomorrow We Live’ and a cloth BUF rank insignia patch and a single tunic button with the lightning bolt.

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