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Отображение 1–16 из 132
#342 – British 1907 Hook Quillon Bayonet by Enfield Regimentally Marked to the Scottish Rifles (Лот: 12088)
British 1907 Hook Quillon Bayonet by Enfield Regimentally Marked to the Scottish Rifles,fine example with two piece wooden grips, steel pommel with regimental markings for the 3rdbattalion Scottish Rifles (S.R). Steel cross guard with hooked quillon and muzzle ring. Housed in 2ndpattern scabbard with 14 pattern bayonet frog attached. The securing strap on the frog is well worn and been repaired. Standard blade with fuller to the back edge. Various acceptance stamps and markings. Some light wear to the blade but generally a good example.
#344 – British 1907 Bayonet by Wilkinson Regimentally Marked to the 2nd Kent Fortress Field Company Royal Engineers (2 KFRE) (Лот: 12090)
British 1907 Bayonet by Wilkinson Regimentally Marked to the 2nd Kent Fortress Field Company Royal Engineers (2 KFRE), standard pattern 1907 bayonet with oil hole to the pommel, the pommel being marked ‘2 K F R E’ and ‘120’. Short cross guard with muzzle ring. Housed in its steel mounted leather scabbard. Straight blade with fuller to the back edge, acceptance stamps and Wilkinson makers mark to the base. Blade with some spotting and wear.
#345 – British 1918 Dated 1907 Pattern Bayonet by Wilkinson Pall Mall (Лот: 12091)
British 1918 Dated 1907 Pattern Bayonet by Wilkinson Pall Mall,with two piece wooden grips, steel pommel with oil hole, short cross guard and muzzle ring. Housed in leather and steel mounted scabbard. Standard blade with Wilkinson Pall Mall makers mark, acceptance stamps and date ‘3 18’ (March 1918). Generally good example.
#350 – Scarce Pre-WW2 Polish Radom wz.29 Bayonet (Лот: 12096)
Scarce Pre-WW2 Polish Radom wz.29 Bayonet,with wooden grips, steel pommel and cross guard with muzzle ring. Housed in its steel scabbard with leather bayonet frog attached. Blade with fuller to the back edge. Blade marked with Polish eagle above ‘W.P’ and the other side with ‘F.B. RADOM’ and small oval mark. Cross guard numbered ‘4138 F’. Some pitting and wear to the exterior but still a desirable bayonet.
#351 – Soviet Russian SVT-40 Bayonet (Лот: 12097)
Soviet Russian SVT-40 Bayonet,unissued example with wooden grips, steel muzzle ring, housed in scabbard with leather belt loop. Mint condition blade with fuller to the back edge. Accompanied by a WW2 Italian folding Carcano bayonet with its scabbard and in good condition. (2 items)
#353 – Scarce P-1917 Bayonet by Winchester (Лот: 12099)
Scarce P-1917 Bayonet by Winchester,fine example with wooden grips, steel pommel with oil hole. Housed in original scabbard with leather bayonet frog attached. Near mint condition blade with the scarce Winchester ‘W’ in circle to the base. Accompanied by a M1895 Austrian bayonet with original scabbard and frog, British spike bayonet with scabbard and webbing frog, German K98 with post war Waffen-SS etched divisional insignia and dedication, plus other items.
#355 – WW1 1918 Indian Army Mk II Gurkha Kukri (Лот: 12101)
WW1 1918 Indian Army Mk II Gurkha Kukri, with two piece wooden grips with steel pommel cap. Housed in leather covered wooden scabbard. Curved blade stamped with Indian Army acceptance stamps to one side and the reverse with ‘G.D.B 1918’. Blade with some pitting, scabbard shows some wear.